Episode 16

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"Chloe tell me that this is not happening." i said to my friend pointing at the flowers that was in the table

" Y/n don't be afraid. I hired for you a bodyguard. Calm down he will not hurt you. I promise. "

" If Yunho was not there the day he attacked me I don't think I would be here now."

" Do you by any chance you remember his face? " Chloe asked me

"No he was wearing a mask and a hat. I barely saw his face." i sat down in the sofa that Chloe was too

" Got it. Don't worry starting from tomorrow you will have a bodyguard with you so everything will be fine."

"I'm so afraid even with a bodyguard by my side." i came closer to Chloe giving her a hug

She pat my back telling me that i'll be safe no matter what.

When Chloe said about a bodyguard a thought came to my mind. Yunho. I immediately smash that thought wonder why i imagined something like that.

The next day after my breakfast with Chloe, she introduced me the bodyguard that will be by my side the following days.

"Y/n, let me introduce you to the bodyguard that will accompany you wherever you go and will keep you safe."

I looked at him and saw a tall man with black hair and a suit standing infront of the door. He wasn't Yunho. The feeling of disappointment came very quickly as i tried to not show my true feelings infront of him and my friend.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n thank you for your service! " i reached my hand to give him a handshake

"Nice to meet you too Miss, I hope we can get along well." he gave me his hand so the handshake can be accomplished

"Now, you don't have to worry about anything. Let me catch the psycho so you can't be afraid anymore." Chloe told me and push me softly outside so you can go to my work

I chuckled, turned and wave at her watching her smile.


In the building almost everyone had their eyes on me as they saw me coming with a guy beside me.

"Excuse me, can you-"

"Y/n, who is that?" Seonghwa interrupted me as he came closer to me but the bodyguard stopped him

"It's okay, he is my friend." i assured my bodyguard and he took his hand from Seonghwa

" Y/n , what's going on?" Seonghwa said with worried face

"Come with me. I will tell you everything."


Me and Seonghwa are in the dressing room and my bodyguard is waiting outside so we can talk more comfortably. I told Seonghwa that i needed a bodyguard because I am being followed by a stalker.

"Why you didn't tell me earlier?" Seonghwa said with a sad voice

"I'm really sorry I didn't have the time with all of the things that happening these days."
"It's okay i forgive you but don't do this again.Talk to me whenever you need it."  he came closer and put his hand on my shoulder, "You should be careful, do not trust people easily and always have your phone with you."

"I will Seonghwa, thank you." i gave him a hug

Author’s pov:

Yunho, as he was coming to the dressing room he saw a bodyguard standing outside of the door and it made him wonder. He was about to open the door when the bodyguard stopped him.

" Excuse me sir but who are you?"

" I'm Yunho the photographer of the company. I can show you my card too. " he show the card to the bodyguard

"You're the photographer of the girl named Y/n? the bodyguard asked

Before you arrived at the company you have told to your bodyguard the names of Seonghwa and Yunho so he knows.

"Yes can I come in?" Yunho asked him

"Of course and my apologies for this sir."  bodyguard said and opened the door to Yunho

"Y/n, what is all this? Why you suddenly have a bodyguard with you?" Yunho shout to you

" For my safety. The stalker gave me flowers yesterday and told me that I belong to him. I got scared and my bestie hired him to protect me."

" Are you okay?" He came closer to you putting his hands on your shoulders

" I am. Don't worry about me. I have a bodyguard now."

"That doesn't mean anything. You should be careful everytime from now on."

Seonghwa cleared his throat and spoke. "We should keep her safe. The bodyguard can't be around her all the time."

Yunho turned to the left to see that Seonghwa was there too and he wasn't alone with you.

" Oh sorry Seonghwa I didn't see you. I rushed inside worried that may something have happen to Y/n."

Seonghwa just nodded.

"You're right Seonghwa her bodyguard can't be with her all the time so I'll be her  bodyguard." Yunho said making you wide open your eyes

"No it's okay. You don't have to do this for me." you tried to tell him not to do it but deep inside you, you wanted it

It was at that moment that you realized why your trauma was gone. It was because he had saved you from a dangerous man. You believed he changed. He was the exception, as you are the person who doesn't believe that people can change.


Your pov:

The days passed with me having as my bodyguard Yunho. I was having fun watching him playing my bodyguard but the stalker didn't showed up. One day Mr.Choi wanted to speak to both of me.

"Y/n and Yunho let me introduce you to Song Mingi. He is from a very popular University that studies photography and he wants to make his practice here with Yunho. So I hope you get along well." Mr.Choi said

"Nice to meet you. I'm ready to learn a lot from you." he bow down to both of us giving his hand for a handshake

I was sure i have seen him before but where and when?

 Jeong Yunho / The unexpected photographer Where stories live. Discover now