A long time ago

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Perdita Narrating: It was a snowy night in Suburbia. Which is unusual since it never did before. Until a story is about to be told. Inside a house, in a room, an elderly lady who happened to be my pet, Kimberly Boggs. The dalmatian lying next to her chair is me. She was tucking her granddaughter, Megan in bed. 

*Older Kim was looking out the window of the castle on the hill before walking over to Megan's bed*

Old Kim: Snuggle in, sweetie. It's cold out there. 

Megan: "Why is it snowing, grandma? Where does it come from?" 

Old Kim: Oh, that's a long story, sweetheart. 

Megan: I wanna hear. 

Old Kim: Oh, not tonight. go to sleep. *She pats the blanket*

Megan: I'm not sleepy. Tell me, please.

Old Kim: Well, all right. Let's see. I guess it would have to start with scissors. *She goes to sit in her rocking chair*

Megan: Scissors? * Old Perdita nodded*

Old Kim: Well, there are all kinds of scissors. And once there was even a man who had scissors for hands. 

Megan: A man?

Old Kim: Yes. 

Megan: Hands, scissors?

Old Kim: No, Scissorhands. You know the mansion on top of the mountain? *Her granddaughter nodded*

Megan: It's haunted. 

Old Kim: "Well, a long time ago, an inventor lived in that mansion." *Then it showed the snowy neighborhood up to the hilltop castle* "He made many things, I suppose. He also created a man. He gave him a heart, a brain, everything. Well, almost everything. You see, the inventor was very old. He died before he got to finish the man he invented. So the man was left by himself, incomplete and all alone."

Megan: He didn't have a name? *She asked with pity* 

Old Kim: Of course, he had a name. His name was Edward.

*Then it showed Suburbia in the morning, years ago. A man was seen lawnmowing, a woman watering the grass, and a man hammering on top of a roof. Then a woman named Peg Boggs approached a green house, she rings the doorbell and the housewife answers*

Perdita Narrating: Years ago. Peg was an Avon local representative, selling beauty products to the neighborhood housewives and teens." 

Peg: Avon calling. *She smiled*

Helen: Weren't you just here? *Uninterested* 

Peg: "No, not since last season. Today I've come to show you our exquisite new line of soft colors in shadows, blushes and lipstick. Everything you need to accent and highlight your changing looks."

Helen: My changing looks? That's good. *She chuckles* 

Peg: Well, it goes that saying and I also have a complete selection of your old favorites, those tried-and-true products we've all come to depend on year-in and year-out.

Helen: Come on, Peg I never buy anything from you. You know that?

Peg: I know. Bye, Helen.

Perdita Narrating: But in truth, nobody ever wanted to buy anything from her. Some were apparently rude. * She finished*

*Monroe house*

Repairman: You know, you didn't have to call me, ma'am. You could have taken care of this by yourself.

Joyce: I could? I don't think so.  *She smokes a cigarette* 

Repairman: Yeah, you see, it's easy. The food trap's clogged. That's all. You see this bolt here? You just unscrew this. Ok? And out she pops. 

Joyce: You know, on TV they say you repairman are lonely bunch of people. Housewives get lonely too. Although you may not realize it since they haven't made a commercial on the subject. * He decided to ignore that*

Repairman: And then you just take this and put it back in here nice and easy. Be careful not to force it, because it fits in there by itself. And then you just screw this back on. *The doorbell rings*

Joyce: "Oh no, who could that be?" *She looks out the window, disappointed the "moment" was ruined* Will you excuse me for a moment? "Now. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back. This is fascinating. I wouldn't want to miss a moment of it." *Then she goes and answers the door* 

Peg: Good morning, Joyce. Avon calling. 

Joyce: Why! Peg. Have you gone blind? Can't you see there's a vehicle in my driveway? *She taps her freakish long nails against the side of the doorway as Peg looks*

Peg: Oh, yes.

Joyce: Well, I'm surprised you don't realize that means I'm busy. *She shuts the door with a bang. Next house, in a teen's room painting her toenails*

Peg: Okay. Now, we should decide on lipsticks. Okay, dear, what one did you like best? There was the Winsome Wahini which would look charming on you. Or the Bahenie Bliss.

Teen: I like them both.

Peg: Well, great. *She smiled*

Teen: "You don't actually think I have any money, do you?" *Peg's smile faded. across a street. Young Perdita was seen talking with the neighborhood dogs that's when she noticed Peg wasn't doing so well at the moment*

Perdita: Please excuse me, I must check on my human. *She told her friends. They nodded and she runs to the direction where Peg was at barking*

Peg: Oh Perdita, dear. Things are just a little complicated at the moment. *She pets the dalmatian. Then some little girls riding on bikes strode by*

Little girl: Ding dong, Avon lady. * Perdita gently shook her head and enter the car with Peg in the front. She sighs, until she turned the side-view mirror showing the castle on top of the hill. What does she got to lose? * 

Peg: Let's go, dear. *She told Perdita. She barks as Peg begins to drive towards the hilltop* 

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