"Tell me everything"

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"You don't really seem like a boxer to me" Aaliyah says making Adonis arch his brow. "I mean your in shape and all but I don't know aren't most boxers like..." Aaliyah trails off. "Like what?" He asks. "Like street. I'm not saying your a square or anything but I'm just curious what made you wanna fight?" Aaliyah asks as she takes a fry and put it in her mouth. "My pop was a fighter" Adonis reveals making Aaliyah nod. "Okay that makes sense. Did he fight pro?" Aaliyah questions. "Something like that" Adonis answers as he takes a bite of his food. "Oh so he trains you?" Aaliyah says but notices a sad expression on his face. "My pop died before I was born" Adonis says making Aaliyah look at him.

"Damn I'm sorry to hear that" she says softly as silence erupts into the air. A minute later Adonis clears his throat. "So what made you wanna sing?" Adonis asks. Aaliyah sighs before shrugging not exactly knowing what to say. "It makes me....feel alive. It's something I really like doing " Aaliyah says making Adonis look at her and then nod. "So when's your next show?" He asks.

"Same place you saw me at before...Johnny Brenda's... I got residency there so we're back on Friday" Aaliyah says softly. "Can I roll with you?" Adonis asks shyly as Aaliyah looks at him with an eyebrow arched. "I mean show up you know. Show some love" he corrects himself. "Let me think about it" Aaliyah says as Adonis looks down to avoid her eyes. "Of course you can" Aaliyah says making Adonis look at her and smile. "That's wassup" Adonis says happily making Aaliyah chuckle.

Later that night Adonis was walking next to Aaliyah as they watch cars go past. Lights are flashing everywhere as they walked. "You wanna go see a movie?" Adonis asks as he looks at everything. "A movie huh? I thought we agreed—" Aaliyah says but gets cut off by Adonis. "To call it not a date. This isn't a date just two friends going to see a movie" Adonis says making Aaliyah smile a bit and nod. "Okay what we gonna see then?" Aaliyah asks turning to him. "Hmm what do you wanna watch?" Adonis asks looking at Aaliyah.


At about 2 in the morning Adonis walks aaliyah to her apartment where Bianca is in the living room and Katie is sleeping in the bedroom. "This little jawn was fun." Aaliyah says as they turn to eachother. "Yeah maybe we can go again?" Adonis asks hopeful she would say yes. Aaliyah smiles at him and shrugs. "Well just have to see huh" Aaliyah says making Adonis nod. "I can take that" Adonis says as Aaliyah opens her door, gives him one last smile and closes the door. Adonis look at the door for a second before going up to his apartment.

"Soooo how was it with handsome boy" Bianca says as soon as Aaliyah enters her apartment. "It was...alright we just talked" Aaliyah says shrugging as she sits on her couch. "That's it?? Where's the smut?" Bianca says laying her head on Aaliyah lap. "Girl I just met the guy calm down all we did was talk. We went to maxs and ate and talked then the movies" Aaliyah says dismissing the idea. "Oh come on. There was no touching?? Boy likes girl. Girl like boy.....sex" Bianca says making Aaliyah push her off her and she falls. "Ow" Bianca winces as she gets up. "Profound" Aaliyah says back with a sarcastic smile. "Fine whatever but it will happen sooner than you think" Bianca says getting back on the coach.


As the morning comes to an end Aaliyah wakes up Katie who was sleeping next to her. As Katie gets up she sees Aaliyah facing her. "Get up sleepy head it's time to eat" Aaliyah signs making Katie smile. "What's from breakfast?" Katie asks making Aaliyah point to the kitchen. "Pancakes" Aaliyah finger spells. Katie then gets up and goes into the bathroom to pvrush her teeth before going to the kitchen and suiting on the chair. Aaliyah comes over to puts pancakes with eggs and sausage on her plate and gives it to her as cartoons play in the background. Aaliyah taps her sister making her look at her sister in confusion."I'm gonna go to my studio while you eat okay?" Aaliyah asks as Katie nods. When Aaliyah goes into her mini studio it meant only get her if it's an emergency and she needs something. Other than that don't disturb.

Aaliyah then makes her way to her mini studio which was an extra room in her apartment. She then begin listening to different instrumental music before picking one that she likes the best. As the music plays she then gets her guitar out to add to the music as she records it. She bobs her head in rhythm as she opens her mouth.

Can you focus on me?

She then stops to start over again.

Can you focus on me?
Baby, can you focus on me?

Suddenly she gets a call making her stop everything and picks up her phone. The name Dewayne comes up on it making her smile a bit. "Hello?" She says answering the phone. "What's up bitch?! I'm here. Where you at?" He says making her chuckle. "Dewayne wassup" Aaliyah says smiling. "where you at?" Dewayne repeats. "At my house with Katie" Aaliyah replies as she puts the phone on speaker and places her phone down. "I'm at ya door" Dewayne says when suddenly she hears a knock from the door making Aaliyah get up. "Hey girl" Dewayne greets as he hugs Aaliyah who hugs back. He then pushes her away making her stumble. "Where my baby at?!?" He yells before walking into the apartment. "Damn Dewayne" Aaliyah mumbles as Dewayne makes his way to Katie who was at the table watching her iPad.

Dwayne then taps her making her turn around and look up. "Hi Katie" Dewayne fingerspells her name making her wave. "so what's going on with mystery boy huh?" Dewayne says making Aaliyah look at him confused. "Bianca told me all about yall date. Bitch why you ain't tell me?!?"dewayne says making Aaliyah roll her eyes.

"It wasn't a date we just went out. It was nice nothing happened" Aaliyah denies shaking her head. "There more than that" he says as he grabs aaliyahs hand and drags her to the living room. "Tell me everything" Dewayne says excitedly.

How is it???




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