"Maybe you can teach me sometime"

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Rita walks through the hallway and to a room to see Katie on tablet. Rita flickers the lights on and off the get Katie's attention to which she turns around to look at her grandmother. "Are you ready to go?" Rita asks Katie who signs 'yes'.

Rita smiles at Katie's sign for 'yes,' her heart warming at the sight of her granddaughter. As they prepare to leave, Rita takes Katie's hand in hers, Together, they make their way out of the room and down the hallway, their steps echoing softly against the floor.


As Rita and Katie arrive at Aaliyah's house, Aaliyah stands at the doorway, her face lighting up with a smile as she sees her grandmother and sister approaching.

"Hey, Grandma! Hey, Katie!" Aaliyah calls out, waving eagerly. Katie rushes forward, her eyes shining with excitement. "Hi, Aaliyah!" she signs, her hands moving with grace. Aaliyah envelops Katie in a tight hug, her warmth and affection palpable. "I've missed you so much, Katie," she says, her voice filled with genuine joy.

Rita watches the scene unfold with a heart full of joy, grateful for the strong bond shared between her granddaughters. Suddenly Bianca then walks out the apartment to see Rita and waves. "Hey granny Rita" Bianca greets making Rita turn to Bianca and smile.

"Hi Bianca" Rita says waving before she signs to Katie 'I'll see you later'. Katie smiles at her before extending her thumb outward from the hand, pointing away from the palm. Her index finger is extended upward, forming a straight line parallel to the thumb. The little finger is also extended outward. Together, this hand movement create the letter "I," "L," and "Y," representing "I love you." Rita does it back before leaving the apartment hallway and going back to her car.

As music blasts Adonis finds himself knocking on the door again causing Aaliyah to open it. "Is it too loud again?" Aaliyah asks arching her brow. Bianca and Katie who was in the couch looks over to see Adonis at the door. Katie turns to Bianca in confusion. "Who is that?" Katie asks as Bianca smiles. "Your sister has a boyfriend" Bianca signs making Katie widen her eyes.

"Nah I just uh..heard you down here working I figured you wanna take a break?" Adonis suggests as Aaliyah smiles and looks at him up and down. "Where ya from Donnie?" Aaliyah questions as she looks at him amused. "Uh L.A" Adonis answers. "So this is how y'all ask women out in L.A?" She questions but Adonis shakes his head. "Just wanted to know if you were hungry, not a date" he says as she shifts onto her other foot while she holds the door open. "Right." Aaliyah says making Adonis sigh and shake his head. "You know what? It's all good." Adonis denies but Aaliyah just smiles. "..I'm pretty hungry but I have my sister " She answers making him smile. "She can come too" Adonis suggests but Aaliyah shakes her head. Though he seems nice he's not gonna be around her sister until she can trust him. "I'll go change and then I'll be out" Aaliyah says before closing the door.

"Who's that huh?" Bianca asks teasingly as Katie nods in agreement. "He's a neighbour that's all nosey" Aaliyah says crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. Katie then gets off the couch and to her sister who was talking to Bianca. "Is that your boyfriend?" Katie signs making Aliyah shake her head. "Just a friend Katie.... Barely that" Aaliyah signs back before turning to her best friend.

"He just invited me to go eat that's all" Aaliyah says as Bianca nods. "It's okay to show interest...I'll tel you what I'll stay with Katie and you go..have fun for once" Bianca suggests as she hugs Katie who hugs back. "I can't ask you to do that it's alright" Aaliyah says denying the idea as Bianca shakes her head. "You letting that boy wait out there now go get changed" Bianca says as she pushes her best friend in her room to change. "Do I need to come in there and find you an outfit too?" Bianca asks from the other side of the door. "No" Aaliyah answers as she goes to her closet and picks out an outfit that isn't too flashy. It was a simple outfit consisting of a nice shirt and jeans.

As she open the door she sees Bianca smiling at him. "Now go on your date girl" Bianca says as she starts pushing Aaliyah towards the door. "It's not a date bianca" Aaliyah denies as she makes her way to the door and finally opens it. "You look beautiful" Adonis compliments making Aaliyah smile.

"Thank you" Aaliyah says as she completely walks out the house and closes the door. Katie who was on her tablet looks up to see Bianca coming to sit next to her. "Where did Aaliyah go" Katie asks. "She's went on a date. She'll be back for now let's have some fun" Bianca signs as Katie smiles at her.


"Do you know where you wanna go?" Aaliyah asks as they continue to walk down the street. "I was hoping you could tell me. You're from Philly, right?" Adonis says as they walk past people and cars. "Touché" Aaliyah mumbles as they both laugh. "So where are we?" Adonis asks as he looks around. "North Philly" Aaliyah answers as they continue to walk. After a few minutes they arrived at a small restaurant.

"So this is Max's." Aaliyah says as they look at the sign before walking in."Hey, superstar! What's going on?" The owner greets with a big smile."I'm well, thanks. How you doing?" Aaliyah asks with a smile."You looking wonderful as always." He compliments. "Thank you." She says back. The owner then turns over to Adonis who gives a tight lipped smile awkwardly. "How you doing there, my friend?" He asks as he turns to Adonis who nods in greeting.

"This my neighbor and he's a West Coast boy. Ain't never had a steak before." Aaliyah says introducing Adonis making the owner look at them in disbelief. "Ain't never had a steak before?" The owner repeats in disbelief as he looks at Adonis.

"You like pickles?" Aaliyah asks turning to him. " Nah." Adonis says shaking his head. "Okay, mayonnaise. Put extra peppers on that jawn, both kinds." Aaliyah orders as the owner nods and begins to start cooking.

"How much I owe you?" Adonis asks as he digs in his pocket and pulls out his wallet. "9.95." The cook says as Adonis nods and begins looking through his wallet. "Hold on I got it" Aaliyah says as she begins digging in her purse but Adonis stops her."That's cool. I asked you out, right?" Adonis says as Aaliyah sighs. "Fine but next time I'll pay" Aaliyah says putting her wallet back in her purse. "So there's a next time?" Adonis asks smirking as he arches his brow. "Oh shush" Aaliyah says gently pushing him causing him to laugh.

" anyways Where we eating at?" Adonis says once they get their food. "Right there." Aaliyah says as she points at a little table with two chairs. "So I heard you back there, "jawn" this, "jawn" that. What's a "jawn"?" Adonis asks noticing that she says jawn a lot. As they sit at the booth they face eachother. " It's a noun. See, these is jawns. This is a jawn. This restaurant we're sitting in is a jawn. You're a jawn." Aaliyah says as she starts picking up different things and pointing to different things.

"You got a jawn?" Adonis asks as he opens the water bottle. "Is this you asking if I have a boyfriend?" Aaliyah asks arching her brow causing Adonis to put his hands up in a surrender pose. "I got too much going on right now." Aaliyah says shrugging as she opens her Philly cheese steak. With so much on her plate, she hasn't really thought about having a boyfriend or even dating."Shows and stuff?" Adonis asks making Aaliyah nod answering his question. "Yeah. I'm uh opening at Electric Factory next month." Aaliyah says before taking a fry and eating it. "What's that?" Adonis asks confused. " It's a big venue out here. A lot of people got their start. Jill, Legend, the Roots.

"That's wassup." Adonis says happy for her. He then takes a bite of his food as Aaliyah takes a bite of hers. "Can I ask you something personal?" Adonis questions causing Aaliyah to nod her head. "Mmm-hmm."

Instead of saying it out loud Adonis points to his ear indicating the ear piece on her ear. "I got progressive hearing loss. Just started wearing these this past year. But I only need them in places with a lot of background noise. For now." Aaliyah explains. "So it's progressive, so eventually..." Adonis trails off causing Aaliyah to nod her head. "Yeah. I'm just getting ready for it. Plus my sister is completely deaf so we communicate through sign." Aaliyah explains. As she's explaining Adonis looks at her and listens closely. "Maybe you can teach me sometime" Adonis says causing Aaliyah to look at him with a happy smile.


Awww look at them 🥰




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