"Hi, I'm Donnie"

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Aaliyah's steps echo softly as she enters her apartment, her exhaustion evident in the way she sighs heavily. It had been another night of performing at the bar leaving her drained. She closes the door behind her and kicks off her shoes with a sense of relief.

She makes her way to her radio and turns it on,she plops down onto the couch, her body sinking into the soft cushions. Aaliyah leans back, closing her eyes for a moment as the melodies wash over her. As the music plays, Aaliyah's mind begins to drift, and she lets herself sink deeper into the comfort of her home.

Meanwhile in another apartment, the room fills with a thumping bass of the music, which pounds relentlessly in Adonis's ears. His eyes snaps open, irritation etches across his face as he sits up on his bed. He glances at the floor and then stands up decisively.

Adonis walks down the staircase, each step carrying him closer to the music. Reaching the door of the apartment, he raises his hand to knock. He knocks on the door once, waits for a response, but receives nothing. Annoyed, he knocks twice, only to be met with continued silence. Fed up with not being heard, Adonis takes a deep breath and begins kicking the door. It flies open, revealing Aaliyah who is standing there, her expression one of annoyance and surprise.

"Are you out of your damn mind? " she says in disbelief and annoyance. Adonis blinks, slightly taken aback by her appearance, but he quickly composes himself. "Hi, I'm Donnie," he says, scratching his head with a sheepish grin. "Okay and?" she replies as she arches her brow."And I, uh, just moved in upstairs," he says, pointing toward his apartment above. Aaliyah nods slowly, "Okay, so what do you want, Donnie? It's late," she states bluntly. "I can hear your music," Adonis declares, his patience wearing thin.

She raises an eyebrow, her expression shifting to one of mild surprise. "Yeah, well, I didn't know it was that loud," she admits with a sigh. Adonis couldn't hide his irritation any longer. "Well, it is. I gotta wake up early and work out," he insistes, his voice firm.

"Oh, gotchu. You gotta wake up early and do your thing, your, uh, jawn," she explains as she imitates someone lifting weights, causing Adonis to arch a puzzled brow. "You know, keep your body tight. Cool, I'll turn my music down; you won't hear a peep.. I promise," she says, with a tight lipped smile. Before Adonis could say anthing, she shuts the door in his face, leaving him standing there, speechless and somewhat bewildered by the encounter. Before going back to his apartment he gives her door one last stare.


The next day Aaliyah, lying in her cozy bed, jolts awake by the ringing of her phone. She groggily reaches for her phone and answers it without even opening her eyes. "Bianca?" Aaliyah greets. "Hey, girl, open the door!" Bianca says. Aaliyah lets out a groan, her eyes still closed. "You have a key, Bianca" Aaliyah reminds her. "I left them home so come on" Bianca says before hanging up abruptly, leaving Aaliyah groaning at the other end. Bianca is aaliyahs best friend and a waitress at the bar she sings at frequently. A few moments pass, and Aaliyah pushes herself out of bed before  making her way to the front door, slowly opening it.

"Nice place for my keys" Aaliyah says sarcastically as she goes to plop on her couch as Bianca walks in and closes the door. "Oh shush. Anyways where's katie?" Bianca asks looking around. "With grandma. I couldn't take her this week. " Aaliyah answers causing Bianca to nod in understanding . Katie is aaliyahs sister who also happens to be deaf. Katie lives with her grandmother rita but stays with her sister some weekends. "Oh right well I've come to inform you that you got invited to sing again at the bar. They loved you so much" Bianca says making Aaliyah smile. "Hey you never know maybe this time someone in there wants to sign you" Bianca says shrugging. "Yeah I hope so" Aliyah mumbles as she gets up and goes to her closet.

Later that night Adonis was jogging along the dimly lit streets of the city, taking in the sights of Philly. As he turns a corner, his attention was suddenly drawn to a poster illuminated by a flickering streetlight. In bold letters, it read "Aaliyah," and beneath the text, a captivating image of the woman he had encountered earlier catches his eye. He slows his pace, curiosity piqued.

Following the arrow on the poster, Adonis finds himself standing in front of a dimly lit bar. The faint sound of music spilled out into the night air. With a sense of intrigue, he pushed open the heavy wooden door, greeted by the warm, inviting atmosphere of the bar.

As he goes further inside, the source of the music becomes clearer. Adonis's gaze draws to the woman on stage, none other than Aaliyah, the very person whose music had disturbed his peace. Aaliyah stood there, a vision in the spotlight, her voice carrying a beautiful tune.

I just wanna show you how much I appreciate you, yes
Wanna show you how much I'm dedicated to you, yes
Wanna show you how much I will forever be true, yes

As the song continued, Adonis notices everybody is watching the show and the catcalls from some of the men in the crowd.

Wanna show you how much you got your girl feeling good, oh yes
Wanna show you how much, how much you understood, oh yes

As Aaliyah graced the stage, the spotlight enveloped her like a warm embrace, casting a mesmerizing aura around her. Her eyes, scans the audience, and in the dimly lit bar, they met the gaze of Adonis, who had entered earlier. A sly smirk curles on her lips, as she makes eye contact with Adonis. Time seemed to slow, each note and lyric holding the audience captive.

Wanna show you how much I value what you say
Not only are you loyal, you're patient with me babe, oh yes
Wanna show you how much I really care about your heart
Wanna show you how much I hate being apart, oh yes

Aaliyah began to sway her body to the music making the crowd light up. Her dance was a hypnotic display, captivating not just Adonis but everyone present. The catcalls and cheers from the crowd intensified.

Show you, show you, show you, 'til you through with me
I wanna keep it how it is so you can never say how it used to be
Loving you is really all that's on my mind
And I can't help but to think about it day and night
I wanna make that body rock
Sit back and watch

Adonis couldn't help but be drawn into the enchantment of the moment, captivated not only by Aaliyah's dancing but her singing as well. He found himself standing there, surrounded by the music and the crowd, lost in the beauty of the unexpected encounter.

Tonight I'm gonna dance for you, oh-oh
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you, oh-oh
Tonight I'm gonna put my body on your body
Boy, I like it when you watch me, Aaliyah sings as she looks Adonis in his eyes.

ah Tonight it's going down
I'll be rockin' on my babe, rockin', rockin' on my babe
Swirlin' on my babe, swirlin', swirlin' on my babe
Baby, let me put my body on your body
Promise not to tell nobody

Adonis couldn't tear his eyes away from her, captivated by her beauty. Aaliyah had a magnetic presence that was drawing him and the entire audience into a world where music and desire collided, leaving everyone spellbound. "She's good right?" A guy says from next to him. "Yeah.." Adonis mumbles watching the girl dance.

The final notes of Aaliyah's mesmerizing performance echoed through the bar, the audience erupted into a thunderous applause, their cheers and whistles. Adonis couldn't help but join in, his awe evident in the fervor of his clapping. "Wow," he murmurs under his breath, staring in awe of her.

Aaliyah,smiles at the crowd,as she approaches the microphone at the center of the stage. "Thank you all," she says before walking off stage. Adonis just stays there admiring her as she leaves.

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