7 | I'm always here

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TW: Drugs, Violence

Adira Bowen

The pounding of the music jolted my body as we stepped inside. It felt as if my chest was vibrating with the beat of the music. The scent of BO and whiskey filled the air as fluorescent lights filled the dimly lit club.

It was exactly how I pictured it. Drunk men and women dancing, slurring, and drinking. The bar looked like a war zone, the chances of getting a drink there were slim. But as Rhys entered behind me.

He didn't go unnoticed by others "Just follow me Muppet" I halt as the old nickname leaves his mouth and as he looks grinning at me he tries not to laugh.

"Never again," I warn.

"You just made that face one time at the tailgate, I just never forgot. Neither did the guys-" I raised my middle finger, I didn't need this. The scent of this club was making me feel shit as it is.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He raised his hands in surrender and I continued behind him as he gripped my hand. Ahead we met four bodyguards at a secluded table hidden behind them.

A man with a cigar sat with a woman sucking against a tattoo on his neck. He pats her ass she sits up whipping her lips as we come into view.

"Hawking in the flesh" The man stands offering his hand to Rhys as he grips it firmly, "Never thought I'd see you in Monaco" He jests.

"New York needed a break from me" He turns to me and pauses, "Gustav this is my girlfriend Adira Bowen" As he smiled I noticed the brown stains again his teeth, I was no dentist but even his teeth were a red flag.

"Pleasure" He shook my hand as Rhys took a seat before I could be seated next to him. Gustav insisted I sit next to the woman beside him.

"My wife Anna" He assured me as I sat beside her.

Scanning me she smiled, "You are really pretty" Her finger twirled in my hair unwelcomed as she sat up, "Let them deal with whatever business they have, I'm getting this girl a drink" She stands pulling me.

"Well actually I-" Before I could argue to stay as I look to Rhys, he nods at me to go. It seemed to be better for his deal I assumed, I wasn't going to be the one to ruin this for him. I'm pulled to another section of the club and before I know it I'm handed shots.

"To men and their money!" She throws back the vodka and turns to me handing me a glass, "Darling you must!" Urging she waits for me as I stand uncomfortable.

I sigh lifting the rim of the glass towards my mouth, "To women and our money!" I swung it back, and instead of being annoyed, she seemed amused.

"Fair enough" She claps her hands together as she hands me another. But soon her arm wraps around mine dragging me towards the dreaded dance floor. I felt uncomfortably close to others, as the place itself was overpopulated with people.

Body's sweaty in movement as we made our way into the cluster of dancing. A bodyguard of Gustav hands Anna two drinks as she slips one into my hand "Bartenders special" She yells over the raving crowd.

I take a sip of the fruity cocktail and dance to the music with Anna as she giggles "How long have you been here?" She leans against me as we dance and I shrug.

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