31 | The Don's Wife

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Adira Hawking

Her snores grew as she'd fallen asleep in the car. Julian looked annoyed by his sister's snoring, which I found funny. She snored loudly, just like Rhys, and had since she was just a few months old.

"Lily's loud," Julian mumbled to himself, glaring at her. They were never boring, and that was for sure. It kept me on my toes and always distracted me when I needed it.

The day I found out there would be more than one onesie I'd be needing was shocking. But everything happens for a reason, and they made sure I was never alone. They were here so that their father lived on.

I pulled into the driveway and unbuckled my seat. I opened the back door of the car and let Julian out first before I got Lily, who remained asleep in her car seat. Bringing them inside, I settled them with toys in the family room and returned to see Lydia helping with the groceries.

She'd been here for three days, and I still didn't know why. She hadn't said a word about it, why she came or why she left. Stiles kept trying to crack her, but we are pretty sure she ran from Porter. He knew not to come here, to breach my security; he respected Rhys enough not to.

"Did you get cookie dough?" She questioned with a smirk, knowing full well I did.

"Well, you are here, so... I had to?" She grabs a few more bags, and I close the trunk. We headed back into the house where Stiles stood waiting for someone, and my guess was her.

"Lydia, we need to chat?" Looking clueless, she nodded and placed the groceries on the counter. She followed Stiles into the office. He shut the door behind him, and I heard the lock switch.

Me being me, I leaned against the door. It was unfair that Stiles got to ask all the questions but not me. But it didn't help that I could barely hear a thing for a few minutes until she yelled.

"You think keeping this forever will help her?"

"You lower your voice right now, thin walls."

Keeping what from me?

The door opened, and I fell to the floor. I froze awkwardly in the position I was in. I let my cheek squish against the floor accepting what I looked like from their view.

"What did you expect me not to try and listen in? Lydia just showed up three years later and you guys are keeping something from me" I rolled my body over to lay on my back as I stared at the two of them. I waited for answers as I crossed my arms.

"My job is to protect you, I took an oath years ago placed by Rhys. The second he took over he made me promise that I'd protect you with my life no matter what. I'm protecting you Adira."

"By not being honest about something? What is it? I don't trust liars in my home Stiles you know this" He looked to Lydia.

"Maybe ask her for the answers since she so desperately wants them to be explained" He stepped over me and exited the office. The door shut behind me and I reached out my hand and Lydia helped me up.

She stood uneasy for a moment, then took a sharp breath, "I was sent here to analyze how things are in your life. It's a permanent mission. Someone had to come check in and I threw myself on the plane when I heard. I mean it just had to be me, you're my best friend" She took a deep breath as her eyes began to water.

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