Chapter 1: Not Your Friends to Lovers

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Yeji's POV

From the very beginning, Ryujin and I had been inseparable; our friendship was forged during our freshman year. It was a bond that defied definition—a blend of camaraderie and unspoken boundaries that we both cherished. 
And we'd always believe that our relationship would never cross into something more, or so we claimed.
Both of us occupied distinct positions of prominence. I, a dancer, wove graceful moves that effortlessly captured the hearts of those around me. My every performance transformed me into a revered figure among my peers, my movements speaking volumes where words fell short.
Ryujin, on the other hand, embodied cool confidence. She excelled in nearly every field she ventured into, earning her the reputation of a true polymath. Whether it was academics, sports, or any other endeavor, she was a jack-of-all-trades and master of many—an enigma that left others in awe.
The gentle knock on the door roused me from my phone's endless scroll. I decided to release the pillow I had been hugging and made my way to the door, the anticipation of Ryujin's arrival fluttering in my chest.
The familiar creak of the front door greeted me as I opened it, followed by the sound of Ryujin's shoes being casually kicked off near the entrance. 
I couldn't help but smile; she'd always been a little too casual about making herself at home.
"You finally decided to show up," I teased, unable to hide the warmth in my voice as we exchanged greetings in the doorway.
"It's not like I'm here every day," Ryujin countered with a mock-indignant tone.
"Almost every day," I corrected with a grin, stepping aside to invite her inside. "But it's never enough."
"Alone?" Ryujin asked, her eyes scanning the living room.
"Mhmm," I confirmed as we walked further into the cozy living room. "Mom and Dad are at work." 
"Not surprised," Ryujin remarked, her presence bringing an added layer of comfort to the familiar surroundings. 
Our shared history echoed through every corner of the room.
We settled onto the living room couch, the soft glow of the TV casting a warm ambiance. A scented candle on the coffee table added to the cozy atmosphere, its fragrance mingling with the aroma of the takeout containers we'd ordered for the evening.
I handed Ryujin a bowl of popcorn, and she dug into it with enthusiasm. Our movie nights like this have always been a cherished tradition.
"So, what cinematic masterpiece are we subjecting ourselves to tonight?" I asked, playfully examining the selection of DVDs on the shelf.
Ryujin leaned in closer to get a better view. "Let's go with something classic. How about that romantic drama you used to love?"
I chuckled, recalling the countless times we had watched that particular film during our high school years. "Do you still remember that?"
"Of course," Ryujin replied with a grin. “How could I forget when you always force me to watch it?"
I slapped her shoulder as the movie began. We settled into a comfortable silence, each lost in our own thoughts. 
The characters on screen navigated the complexities of love, their trials, and tribulations, mirroring our own experiences in a way that was both haunting and beautiful.
About halfway through the movie, Ryujin couldn't resist the urge to tease. "You know, Yeji, I'd say you've watched this film enough times to recite all the lines."
I shot her a playful glare. "Hey, it's a classic for a reason. Plus, the dialogue is so beautifully written."
Ryujin grinned, leaning in closer to whisper exaggeratedly, "Okay, hopeless romantic, and you're dreaming of a cinematic romance."
I rolled my eyes, poking her in the side with a popcorn kernel. "Who doesn't want a cinematic romance?"
She points at herself, and our banter continued throughout the movie, punctuated by our laughter and the occasional pause for more snacks. 
These moments were the essence of our friendship—simple, unguarded, and filled with the easy camaraderie that defined our bond.
As the credits rolled, the room was filled with a lingering sense of nostalgia. The characters' love story had reached its conclusion, leaving us with a bittersweet feeling. Knowing that everything that starts ends.
It was almost as if their journey had mirrored our own, navigating the complexities of life and friendship.
I stretched my arms above my head, a yawn escaping my lips. "Well, that was a trip down memory lane."
Ryujin nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the same sentiment.
The clock on the wall reminded us that the night was still young, and our conversation shifted to more lighthearted topics. 
"You remember that time you aced that impossible math exam?" I teased, nudging Ryujin's shoulder.
She grinned with a hint of pride in her eyes. "How could I forget? I think the teacher is still convinced I somehow cheated."
"School's starting next week; I can't believe we're heading off to college," I said.
"You're going to miss me," Ryujin teased.
"I won't," I countered with a playful grin.
Ryujin sported that knowing smirk that only she could manage, a testament to how well she knew me. All too well.
"Don't deny it," she said as she settled onto the couch and gestured for me to sit beside her.
"We'll still see each other; it's literally the same school," I replied.
"Well, let's see about that," Ryujin said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Then, her expression shifted as she remembered something. "Wait, isn't your competition tomorrow?" she asked.
Tomorrow was the day my crew and I were set to compete, something we always looked forward to. It never failed to ignite a fire of excitement within me. Dancing was more than a passion; it was the comfort I never wanted to give up. 
Ryujin, who was now waiting for my answer, knew this better than anyone.
"Yeah," I confirmed.
"Why aren't you practicing?" she inquired.
"No need," I replied, breaking into laughter as I slapped her arm. "We'll be rehearsing tomorrow morning."
The hours passed in a blur of conversation and laughter, the weight of our responsibilities and the uncertainty of the future momentarily forgotten. It was the kind of night that made me appreciate the bond we shared, a friendship that had weathered the storms of life and emerged stronger than ever.
As the night wore on, the exhaustion of the day began to catch up with us. Ryujin's eyelids grew heavy, and I couldn't help but smile as I watched her struggle to keep them open.
"You look like you're about to fall asleep on my couch," I remarked.
Ryujin chuckled softly, her voice tinged with drowsiness. "Maybe I am. This couch has always been comfortable."
I couldn't resist a teasing grin. "Well, if you think my couch is comfy, you should try my bed."
Ryujin's eyes shot open, and she shot me a mock-scandalized look. "Yeji, what the hell?"
I burst into laughter, my cheeks warming at the playful banter. "Oh, please, Ryu. You're the one who taught me."
She yawned and stretched, her movements lazy and relaxed. "I'll actually take you up on that offer, but only because your bed is my bed too."
She stuck her tongue like a child teasing, and I pulled her to my room, a place that held countless memories for both of us.
In our younger years, Ryujin used to stay over quite frequently, although that has become a rarity these days. 
Always brimming with enthusiasm, I couldn't resist extending an invitation to Ryujin. "You know what?" I began, mischief sparkling in my eyes as I playfully tackled Ryujin, ending up on top of her in the cozy cocoon of my bed. "You should come tomorrow."
Ryujin, oozing her trademark confidence, retorted with a cocky grin, "Nah, I'll just take the spotlight. What if they don't watch you anymore because they'll be staring at me?"
I chuckled softly, my eyes dancing with amusement. "Yeah, sure, Ryu," I teased, rolling to my side and using Ryujin's arm as a pillow.
"But seriously though, if you need me, I'll go," Ryujin offered, adjusting herself and rolling to face me.
Her willingness to be there for me never ceased to touch my heart. She cared, whether people did or not.
"What if I say I do?" I replied, mirroring Ryujin's movement until our eyes locked, our faces mere inches apart.
"This is making me feel sleepy," Ryujin admitted. I couldn't help but smile as I watched her.
"You should stay for the night," I suggested, my tone gentle.
"But I still have my own house, Yeji, and my arms are numb," Ryujin argued, her reluctance evident.
I shifted again, nestling against Ryujin's chest. My voice was barely a whisper as I said, "Stay." It was a request that carried more weight than the words themselves.

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