Chapter 19: Lingering Taste (lips are not so sweet)

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A/N: uhm

Yeji's POV

After a day filled with ups and downs, I decided to take a break and unwind. The clock showed that it was time to shed the weight of the day, so I reached for my shirt and started to undress.

The bathroom's cool tiles greeted me as I stepped in, and the anticipation of a soothing shower enveloped my senses. I turned the handle, and the water cascaded down from the showerhead, a welcome embrace after a demanding day.

The droplets danced along my skin, creating a refreshing melody that echoed in the confined space. Each stream carried away the remnants of frustration, leaving me with a renewed sense of calm.

An hour later, wrapped in a towel, I emerged from the bathroom, feeling rejuvenated. Droplets clung to my skin, reflecting the soft glow of the room.

I moved to the mirror, watching the mist slowly dissipate, revealing the reflection of someone who seemed a bit more at peace.

As I began to dry my hair, my phone's insistent ringing disrupted the tranquility of the moment.

I sighed, glancing at the caller ID. It was Minho.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I answered the call. "Yeji, you're not going?" Minho's voice carried a hint of disappointment.

"You did not invite me," I grudgingly retorted.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I thought you already knew," he said, sounding pouty.

I couldn't help but smile at his demeanor. "It's fine. I'm not really in the mood for parties," I replied.

"You're always not in the mood for it," he complained.

"It's just not for me," I explained.

"I understand. Rest well," he said.

"Take care," I wished him.

"Take care," he replied, the call ending on a warm note.

I moved in front of my computer, feeling a sense of relief. Logging into my social media, I navigated through the digital landscape, catching up on the snippets of others' lives and momentarily escaping the echoes of my own.

As I prepared to call it a night, the clock striking 10 p.m., I decided to turn off the lights and tuck myself into bed.

The soft glow of the room created a soothing atmosphere, inviting me to embrace the serenity of the night.

However, just as I was about to drift into a peaceful slumber, my phone rang once again.

At first, I contemplated ignoring it, but after the third insistent ring, I sighed in resignation.

"What do you want?" I answered, a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Wait, babe, before you get upset, or maybe you're upset already, you need to see something," Minho's urgent tone reached through the phone.

Curiosity overcame my irritation as I sat up. "What's that?" I asked.

"I'm gonna send you something," he replied.

As the video arrived, my heart raced. Pressing play, the chaotic scene unfolded on the screen-people still reveling at the party, laughter, and music creating a lively backdrop.

The camera then zeroed in on someone dancing provocatively, attempting to shed her clothes.

Chaeryeong and Lia stepped in, trying to stop her, while Yuna stood on the side, filming the spectacle with amusement.

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