1.looking for him

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I step out of my BMW, making my hips move side to side. All eye on me more like the whole male population be looking at me while I move my hips, as I walk to the front of my new boarding school.

I been searching for this school about two months making sure I got the right school for me attend this summer and to make sure my victim goes to this boarding school.

I step a foot inside the office smelling coffee I walk to a lady behind desk she look up too me and smile.

"Good morning young lady what my I help you" she smile sweetly at me while grabbing a pen.

"I'm here to grab my schedule" I told her, I tap my fingers in the solid desk while she start looking throw the computer for my schedule. "Here it is Monica, and this is your key to your new bedroom. Any questions come down here sweetie" she said giving me the papers and my key.

"Thanks and I will" I told her. I walk out of the office and walk to a free table out side. I sat down and look trow my schedule, I pay 100 dollars just to get the class that I want, which means the same classes as my victim.

I grab the second sheet just to see the map of the building there was a star on the top of a building, I smile while looking that the star means we're my victim bedroom is.

A bell ring that made all the student walk inside the building, I stared at them trying to find that specific person on the sea of students. That's when I saw a squad of cheerleader wearing mini skirt, 6-inches heels and a bake face; one of them which I guess was the leader she was holding a tall man hand looking up to him with love.


I found my victim, who the cheerleader is holding hands with is my victim, I smirk at there position because.

One he just want sex with her, you can tell by just how he is not looking at her with love eyes and he's not even paying attention of what she is saying.

Two because I get to be part of the cheerleaders squad.

Three I need to be friends with that girl, which name is Logan Thomas.

Four I will personally start drama.

I stood up and walk to my car to get my suitcase and staff, I open the back of my car and got out my first suitcase to be honest they are really heavy.

I pull the first one out, when I was about to pull the second one down someone pull it out for me, I look at the person that just pull out my suitcase case to see a pair of blue eyes looking at me, I smile at him.

"Thanks, that suitcase is heavy" I told him closing the back.

"Your welcome, my name is Oscar what yours" the cute boy ask me I look at his face those big blue eyes that would make a girl melt but he ain't gonna make me melt.

"Monica knight but you can call me Mini" I told him while looking around the parking lot now that is empty.

"Well Monica is nice to meet you" he said. I smirk at him and then I grab my car keys and put them inside my purse.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I ask him walking out of the parking lot

"Yeah but I hate biology so I'm skipping it" he said while passing a hand trow his brown hair.

"Oh" that's all I said, I stop for a minute just to look at my schedule paper to see what number of bedroom I have. I look at the right corner just to see that my bedroom number is 110.

"Do you know we're 110 room is?" I ask him. I cross my fingers hopping that he knows we're is it.

"Yeah it's two rooms before me, I'll show you the way follow me" he said walking in front of me taking my second suitcase with him.

We enter to a building that is behind the front office, I didn't even know there was a building behind the front office. As we enter Oscar open the doors for me, I thank him cold air hit my warm skin making me shiver a little.

I look around, it mostly look like a lobby of a hotel; it has sofas a big TV hanging on the wall, a few tables and a soda machine. Oscar took a right, he looks like he knows the place, we became front of a elevator he push a bottom making the two door move to side.

Later Oscar press the number five to be more exact this building has five story's mine is the last one. The silence is awkward so I decided to break it.

"So Oscar what do you like about this boarding school, huh" I ask him resting my elbow on the suitcase.

"Well I like to go swing on the lake that is about ten minutes from here and going hiking in the forest every Saturday" he said while playing with his keys.

"That sound fascinating, I would love to go hiking I like the nature" I told him looking at the elevator walls.

"You should in scribe in our hiking group, you'll love it" he said. I smile at him it will be nice to do some fun things here.

"I'll think about it" I told him, the doors of the elevator open making a squeaky sound Oscar got out first, I followed him while we were walking to my new bedroom I checked out Oscar.

He is a tall boy, with brown straight hair, and those big blue eyes that sparkle. He is really cute guy and those eyes make girls fall he looks more like a hot nerd than a normal guy.

"We are here!" Oscar said stopping in front of a wooden door that has 110 on it. I look back at him and then I put in the key making a sound of clicking, I push open the door as I walk in first I gasp.

"This is-"

"Beautiful, amazing, awesome and extravagant?"

"You took my words, Oscar" I told him, While turning around in the room, it's huge it like a master bedroom it has; a king bed style royal, the walls are painted caramel, the floor is wooded, there's a desk with design in the wood and a rectangle window view to the city.

"Wow" I said as I look throw the window.

"Your lucky to have a view like this one, you should see it at night is breathtaking" he said while standing beside me, I look at him and smile.
Oscar clap his hands and said "well I let you alone so you can get comfortable, any question I'm two doors away, bye Monica"

"Bye, I might see you later or tomorrow?" I told him while playing with my hands and walking him to the door.

"What about I'll pick you up tomorrow so I can show you around"

"That would be lovely, thanks Oscar" I thank him, he is the first person I talk to and he is really friendly with me.

"Okay, see tomorrow Monica" he wave while closing the door.

I walk to my bed and trow my self on top of it while thinking.

This summer gonna hurt, ain't gonna be like the others

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