3. Last name, Miss.Wild

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That's how hot the guards looks when she is walking to the building read to fund out.

It's was lunch time, I walk to the front office just to collect my lunch that my friend drop off, I pick it up and walk outside were I sat yesterday.

I look up just to see Oscar sitting in front of me, I gave him a small smile at him.

"Heard the news, Monica?" He ask me while opening his Pepsi.

"What's the news?" I ask him while opening my sandwich.

"Mr.Oneal was found dead in the men's bathroom" he said while looking at me, I smile at him.

"How's Mr.Oneal?" I ask him playing innocent.

"Our biology teacher" he smirk at me, I smile back at him.

We didn't talk after the news he told me, they weren't surprising because I was the one that killed him but I shouldn't I say that when they know it's me.

I took a sip from my water and throw it away, the plastic bag with my sandwich rapper. I like to look at Oscar, I like to look at his blue eyes they are so shinny it makes me just stare at him.

"Liking what you-"

"Students today will be a early release, you all may go to your rooms. The only building that would be open it will be the cafeteria that the 'Secret X'" the principal said I look back at Oscar just to find a pice of paper sitting on the top of the table I raise a eyebrow.

Did Oscar live this?

I grab the small paper mad open it, I look at around if someone was watching me and read.

Password: XX123XX
Name: Secret XC

I stare at the paper in confuse. I turn it around and read two initials that would change my mind in two seconds.


I look at round me just to see a man laying back at the tree branch he wave at me and then walk off, I run towards the man but he disappear just behind the tree.

I walk to my room, looking everywhere making sure he wasn't watching me, when I was about to grab the handle I swear wit was crack open I push it forwards, I gasp at the view I. Front of me; my bed was side ways, my clothes were in the floor, my things everywhere.

I close the door locking it just to make sure no knows comes in I walk to the dinner table just to see words written on it in red.

This is not over

I laugh at the message they left, I know it wasn't the best time but to be honest there wasn't any time on my life that I couldn't laugh. I knew who wrote this, I know that she is close to me but they won't even put a finger on me because they know Marcus would kill them and there family.

I got the gun out and put it in the table, I throw my back pack on the floor and made some coffee. I grab my cup full with coffe and sat in one of the chair that gladly it wasn't broke. I took a sip and grab the note that was left with me in lunch.

Password: XX123XX
Name: Secret XC

I took out my phone and call the lag torts on I want it to talk by he was the only one that could help me.


"Marcus" I breath out his name, it been long seen I call him.

"Well hello dear sister, been long time seen I talk to you. Tell me how are-" I cut him off.

"Not in the mood with your chit chat here brother. Now spill the beans what the hell does this code means?" I ask him getting a it annoying with my brother.

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