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And I am so sorry guys for
late update but I was busy
with my freshers and festivals.

Aviraj's pov: I opened my eyes feeling something wet on my right cheek and a little weight on my body which was lighter than what was on my left side

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Aviraj's pov:
I opened my eyes feeling something wet on my right cheek and a little weight on my body which was lighter than what was on my left side.

I looked at my left to see sharvari cuddling in my arms and hugging my torso , her hair covering half of her face. To anyone else her morning face would look horific with tangled hair , oily skin and puffed face but to me she looked cute.

I mean this her real side and if I admit to love her when she's clean and organised then I love her like this also because she's perfect in both the worlds.

" da.ddah "

Snapping my head towards the right I saw avika whom I totally ignored till now because I was busy admiring her mother.

My little baby looked somehow same to her mother with the same puffed up face and tangled hair even her lips are wet since her saliva is all over my shoulder.

I don't know how but she managed to come out of her small bed which is neither too tall nor too short and right now leaning on my shoulder.

" avu , when did you woke up? "
" ab.hi / now "

I don't know how to move and whom to move since sharvari is clinging to my arm and avika is in half sleep.

Moving my right arm I took avika on my embrace since she's half asleep she moved a little and then placed her head on my same wet shoulder.

Sensing the wetness she wiped her cheek scrunching her face making it even more smaller than before.

She's so cute my god!

I kissed her forehead and pat her back with the very same hand making her sleep again.

I have never been so occupied before.

" good morning Avi "
Sharvari wished me while rubbing her eyes and yawning.

" morning wifey "
"Mol-ring "

Instead of vari avika decided to speak because I don't know when but she woke up with her tiny mouth open up with the little shoulder length hair coming on her eyes.

Vari fixed avu's hair and then push back the strands of her own hair behind her ears yawning again.

“ tea? ”
“ with elaichi ”

I stood up placing avika in sharvari's lap and went to the kitchen to prepare some tea for us and in the meantime sharvari used the washroom and washed avika's face.

Placing the tray of tea and rusks on the small table I started waiting for both of them as they are still doing something I don't know about.

“ she just spilled toothpaste over her tshirt. ”

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