bonus chapter 2

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Eight months later

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Eight months later.

Aviraj's pov:
We are married.

We sat inside the car with avika on my lap as we just got our marriage registered, after a court marriage and even though I wanted to have a huge celebration, sharvari denied it but nevermind.

She said yes to marry me, and that's the biggest achievement for me because after all the stupidity I had done in past, I lost all the hopes.

As we were already married we'll be hosting a family dinner tonight and then later an announcement is planned for media so that no one questions or makes stupid assumptions.

Also, sharvari's parents will be joining us by the afternoon for the family dinner and will be staying for a few days as well and although it came as a shock to everyone but at last, everyone is happy.

But what came as a shocker to us was, MRS. GITISHKA MEHTA's reaction to the news.

Maa actually seemed happy for us and even blessed us and although she didn't attend the court marriage, it isn't a problem at all because she said she wants to welcome sharvari with all the rituals.

We will be posting a picture tomorrow, that's it because sharvari doesn't likes a lot of fancy stuff.

"this is pretty."
I saw avika dancing on my lap looking at the ring in her mother's finger.

The beautiful pair of rings that we got for ourselves as an engagement ring fascinated our daughter.

The beautiful two diamonds adoring her ring finger with a golden band was actually very pretty.

"when you grow up, we'll get one for you as well." sharvari replied as the driver ignited the engine.

"daisy and butterflies."
She said and her mother nodded.

Her obsession with daisies and butterflies is reaching its peak. Even today she's wearing a white dress with daisies printed on it.

"You look beautiful mumma."
Avika said looking at her mother with dreamy eyes as she chuckled kissing her cheeks.

"And what about me?"
I asked as she looked at me, from head to toe and hummed.

"You look handsome. I like your ring as well papa." She said wrapped her tiny fingers around my ring finger.

"What would you like to eat today, avu?"
Sharvari asked taking our three year old from my lap.

"What did dadi make today? She promised me to bake a cake." She asked her mother.

"Which cake do you like? Mumma can learn it from dadi."
"No, it's secret recipe. We learn it from magazine." Avika said putting her finger on her lips as we chuckled at her antics.

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