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Dire Crowley - Father Figure

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Dire Crowley - Father Figure

"Please sign these!, oh no those aren't work papers they are adoption papers!" 

"Please sign these!, oh no those aren't work papers they are adoption papers!" 

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Divus Crewel - Father Figure

"You should stop hanging around those idiots pup" 

"You should stop hanging around those idiots pup" 

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Sam - Older brother figure

"Don't worry my friends will take care of you!"

"Don't worry my friends will take care of you!"

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Gaston Vargas - Uncle figure

"Well done!, you are my best student unlike these weaklings!"

"Well done!, you are my best student unlike these weaklings!"

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Mozus Trein - grandpa figure

"Seems like Lucius seems to like you Ms.L/N"

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