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'flashback or dreaming'


It was a normal day well as normal it can get, Y/N was walking around the forest with Simeon, wasn't even talking or listening.

Simeon was still talking and she sighed and rolled her eyes then something caught her eye and Simeon didn't even notice and continued walking forward and talking to literally no one, 'Idiot' Y/N thought and walked over to the mysterious item and saw that it was a book, she went to pick it up and when she did a portal opened behind her and got sucked in.

The last thing she saw was Simeon trying to grab her and help her before she was met with darkness..

'Ahh.. My dear beloved'

she started waking up and she realized she was in a dark abyss and didn't know what to do.

"Where the hell am i..?" Y/N thought out loud then she realized she still had the book and saw that the cover said 'Twisted Wonderland' then saw a mirror.

'A lovely and noble flower of evil. Truly, you are the most beautiful of all'

'um..excuse me?, i literally helped save my friends daughter thank you very much' Y/N rolled her eyes at the mirror and walked closer to it and stopped in front of it

'Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the..'

A vision popped in her head and saw a huge building then her eyes were drawn to a sign on top of a gate, 'Night Raven College'

'A heart as strong as a owlbear

A ghost of a owlbear left the mirror then went through Y/N and disappeared

'Stealthy as a goblin'

A ghost of goblin left the mirror and did the same thing the owlbear did then disappeared

'Strength as strong as a displacer beast'

A displacer beast quickly ran out of the mirror then looked at Y/N and disappeared, the mirror then turned pitch black before a bright green lit up the mirror.

'Show your powers and be not afraid of the darkness.'

Y/N squinted her eyes before she quickly moved out of the way and different creatures and monsters ran out of the mirror and she just looked at them all in shock and wide eyes, she then looked at the book and went to try open it but couldn't so she just put it in her bag. When she saw that no animals coming out of the mirror she stood in front of the mirror again.

'Come Young druid of the forest, this is the beginning of a new adventure, the true destiny and desire you seek'

'For me. for them. for you

'Why is the feeling so welcoming..'

'We are all running out of time'

'i should be running away..'

-A pained child- ~ twisted wonderland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now