Welcome to the Villain's world

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'flashback or dreaming'


You woke up in the darkness but after proceeding to get up, you hits your head onto something hard and curses

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You woke up in the darkness but after proceeding to get up, you hits your head onto something hard and curses.

"What the fuck!?, that hurts damn it!"

You panicked and tried to push it open but then You thought of transforming, as you were about to transform before you heard something on the other side of the coffin and proceeded listening to the unknown voice.

"Crap, better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me..." The unknown voice said, seemingly talking to themselves. You remained silent, wondering what was happening outside the coffin. 

'Am I in the land of the dead...?' You pondered to yourself. After a few moments, a sudden realization struck to her. you were in some type of box, a coffin to be exact. Due to the fact that your posture felt slightly stiff, as well as the minimal space for movements. You started panicking and banging on the wood to try and get out.

"Urgghh!...The lid weighs a ton! Time for...my secret move! Myaa-ha! There!" Suddenly- large, blue flames formed and engulf around you and you screamed at the sudden flames but then the coffin opened.

You fell from the coffin and stumbled on the floor, landing on your knees, while your palms quickly acted and caught yourself before you could land face first on the ground. 

"Ok, now to grab the goods... Gyaaaah!! What You ain't supposed to be awake?!" You looked to the person...or racoon? that the voice belonged to, You've never seen a creature like that in your life. 

You then slowly looked away from the creature and looked around the room and took a mental note that you weren't in the forest anymore and that Simeon wasn't with you anymore, you were in a room with other coffins and a mirror in the middle of the room. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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