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Several days went by.

I will be home late. I have practice and am installing toilets and doing some plumbing. Please ear food for lunch not junk food. I won't.

I kissed Jane and she left after hugging me and my Nani. I started my online class.

Maura do you want anything to drink? Yes juice and a water please Gretchen.   Your mother called to apologize to me. Did you accept it? Yes but she wasn't sincere. I think she was only calling me because  they want your grandmother to help them again.  This sounds about right.  Thank you. I have two more assignments to do than I am done with my finals. Gretchen since my Nani is gone. I would like you to go with me to me an auction.  What are you bidding on? A baseball glove of her Boston favorite player, Babe Ruth. Okay. You finish up. I will.

Gretchen left to the store and I worked on my school work.

School was over with and I was at softball practice.  These girls hit like girls.  The coach liked how I played.  They all knew I was intersex and Maura Isles was my girlfriend and we were expecting a baby. Initially, they freaked out when they found out I was intersex but now it's old news.  Practice for the winter was over with which I was glad. I had to take a quick shower and get to work.

We arrived at the auction

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We arrived at the auction.  I got my number and getting ready to sit.

These people here knew who he was. People were using their phones to speak with the customers. I won the bid.

 I won the bid

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It was framed. Maura it's nice. It's her Christmas present.  Nani told me about the auction and I looked it up this morning when Jane was asleep.  Christmas is in two days. Nani is flying her  family as a surprise. They will arrive tomorrow.   She will love the suprise. I know.  I am hungry.  Do we need to stop at a restroom? Yes please this baby is on my bladder.

Maura went to the restroom.  She wanted some French food so we ate a small restaurant she knew of.

This food is delicious.  I am glad you like it. I am paying Maura as well as tipping.  Gretchen this place is expensive.  I can afford since your grandmother paid off my suv and deposited all the money I paid on it . I was touched. She told us she did that. We both were surprised that my parents were having you pay for the loan payments.  You use your Mercedes for work and to always get me and take me to school and other places too.

Gretchen was quiet. We left and she was driving us home.

I finally was  done at the mall finishing up the last of the plumbing.  Today was pay day. I had put an expensive locket for Maura on layaway as well as gifts for my family, Nani and Gretchen.  My presents would arrive late. I was picking all of the gifts tomorrow after breakfast.  I knew the lines would be long.  Mauras would be the quickest to get.
I deposited my check and headed home. It was late and Maura was asleep when I got home.  I had eaten dinner at work so I went straight to our room to take a shower.  When I got into bed, Maura was sound asleep but knew I was in bed and moved to place her head on my abs. I kissed her head.  I thought to myself that this would be the first Christmas not being able to spend it with my Rizzoli family.  I finally nodded off to sleep.

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