For the first five years of my life I lived on eridot. I was a toddler so you would think my life wouldn't be that hard. Well, think again, I was a troublemaker and I knew how to pull a good prank. Life in Eridot was interesting. I was what most people call an evil child. I was always making mischeif around my fathers work area. My mother and I would go feed the family pet and prepare breakfast in the morning. Eridot was my first home. This is the place where my parents retired. Once you have reached a certain age, 35, you must choose a planet or dimmension to rertire in and spend the rest of your life only in that dimmension.
My younger brother Stephen was born and raised in Eridot. We grew up together and of course had a young and pointless sibling rivalry. As much as we fought, we always had each others back. "I am as strong as a bear," Stephen said once. I renounced his proclamation and murmured," Ya, I am as nimble as a fox." Our rivalry had only begun by my snide remarks.
By the age of five, when it was time for me to leave Eridot, we had already settled our rivalry. I moved to Peristroikia and he moved to Das Sound.
Later in life, around age nine, Stephen had figured out how to conceal his code. He decided to show our parents his new found talent. Little did he know that his life would take a turn for the worse.
Utopia Is Real
Fiksi UmumI am faith, I have faith, I live through faith. I broke the rules. Living in fear that I'll be REJECTED for what I've done, I've broken even more rules and hurt more people. Being a REJECT is like being called an outcast, a poisoned killer. It is...