2 || Ocean Blue Eyes

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“Ocean Blue Eyes, lookin'in mine,
I feel like I might sink and drown and die.”


"Talia! Get up!"

"Mom said you're late!"

"Natalia! You little cockroach! Get up!"

Why was I hearing a kid screaming my name? Maybe some neighbor's kid appeared and then stuck in my dream, I thought.

"What the-oh my God!" I jumped out of bed with a pillow in my lap as my back met the cold floor with a loud thud.

Someone had splashed an unreasonable amount of water on me. I was completely drenched and dazed, not only I but also my fluffy comfortable mattress.

I rubbed the water off my face with my palms, struggling to open my burning eyes. After a few moments of blinking and rubbing, I finally managed to see. Ellerie stood in front of me, clutching a small bucket, laughing his heart out.

"What was that?" I asked blankly, feeling like a dead body suddenly sat up.

"A full bucket of water." He giggled, a glint of pride and satisfaction rubbed on his face.

Amazing! God, this kid is going to give me a heart attack one day!

I rubbed my eyes again to see clearly; it was a sunny day, though the sky wasn't so clear; dusky and grey clouds floating happily brushing against the sun ray and sometimes hiding the sun behind their back.

"Now, Ellu-bear, you know what, some cockroaches are known to me who love to snatch toys from naughty kids like you. I'll tell them about your remote-controlled car." I snorted, a mischievous grin playing on my face.

"What? No! MOOOOM!" He stormed out of my room in one blink.


I shrugged and headed to the bathroom. Staring at myself in the mirror, I realized I looked more pathetic than a beggar on the street. My usually silky long hair resembled a bird's nest. I always braided my hair before bed, but last night I was too scared to do anything after hearing the news.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face quickly, aware that it was already 8:30 am and my class started at 9. I pulled my naturally wavy hair into a quick ponytail bun, changed into a white loose shirt and grey jeans, grabbed my pre-packed backpack, and bolted downstairs.

"Good morning, everyone!"

"Good morning, my little princess," Dad smiled warmly.

"Mom, tell her something! She wants to give my favorite remote-controlled car to those awful cockroaches!" Ellerie looked at Mom with puppy eyes.

"Stop your crocodile tears, little bro. You splashed a bucket of water on me! And you ruined my mattress!" I complained.

"Don't act like a child, Talia. You're already late." Mom shook her head.

"Oh yeah." I shoved an egg into my mouth glaring at her.

Mom glared back at me but luckily didn't burst out.

"Dad, let's go. We're late!" I mumbled, struggling with the egg in my mouth.

I grabbed an apple and followed Dad outside. We got into the car, and he started the engine.

"You need to wake up a bit earlier, princess."

"Yeah. Oh no, it's already 8:45! Dad, drive quickly!" I widened my eyes as I looked at my wristwatch.

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