The Fight

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Maddie pov:
After dinner and Mariah who had just broken up with me I called Madelyn. I tried calling Carlacia too but she didn't pick up. I guess she was with one of her flings.
Madelyn: Hello! So, how did it go?
Maddie: She cheated on me and has been doing it for already two months now and had the nerve to tell me in my face that we should break up! (With tears in her eyes)
Madelyn: How did you know she cheated? She told you?
Maddie: No but I figured it out knowing her too well and after that she accepted it.
I continued to tell her everything with details and even about Rudy and his romantic dinner.
Madelyn: Come over or I can come.
Maddie: I'm closer to your apartment so Im coming there. Is Chase home yet?
Madelyn: Yeah, but we can tell him we need some time alone. He can go to JDs.
Maddie: No, no I need his opinion to you know. Seeing it from another perspective. Ill be there in 10 minutes.

At Madelyns apartment:
Madelyn: She really did that?
Maddie: yeah..
Madelyn: Well you know what they say...if a person is scared of getting cheated from their current partner is because they're already doing it or at least thinking about it.
Maddie: I knew things weren't going great for us but I never thought I would get cheated on...
Chase: Why were you still together?!
Maddie: Because it was my first real relationship that got that long and I can't just give up just because things start to get hard...
Chase: Well she had already given up you Can't just fight alone for a relationship becase it's a job for both of you.
Madelyn: You know why me and Chase work so well? It's not because of all the lovey dovey stuff they say in the movies neither because we found our perfect partner. That does not exist sis but we keep telling each other I love you everyday and when something is off we just sit down talk about it, what's bothering us.
Maddie: she never accepted there was something wrong between us, not until 3 weeks ago...
Chase: That was a red flag girl!
Madelyn: come on, why don't you sleep here tonight and I promise you that tomorrow we can spend a girls spa day.
Maddie: No, I'm okay I mean I feel bad but it is like I was expecting for something bad to happena and it didn't took me by surprise so I will be okay. I'm gonna go take a shower and sleep but Chase will you please give me drive bro?
Chase: Why do you even ask wheb you already know the answer little sister.
Madelyn: Call me before you go to bed and also if you need something or just me or chase just call us no matter the time baby girl.
Maddie: You guys are the best!

Chase drove me home, I went straight ti the shower cried there a little bit than called Madelyn and she kept asking how was I feeling and we talk like for about one hours until she was sure that I was okay. After the phone call I fell directly asleep.
The next morning :
I woke up at 09:30 AM made some coffee and breakfast for myself and opened Netflix to watch my favourite serie which at the moment is the nanny. It is an old sitcom but it makes me feel good and laugh hard. The weirdest thing that morning was a Message from Rudy.

Rudy: Hi, I know that we are not in conditions of talking  right now and I acted like a jerk but you are still my friend and I care just wanted to make sure that everything is okay.
I really didn't now how to act but it made me feel so good knowing that he still care because we used to be best friends.
Maddie: Umm... Hi, yeah I'm glad we are still talking. I mean you texted me but I have some news for you Mariah and I broke up. Can you believe it she cheated on me?
Seconds after I Sent the message I got a phone call from Rudy.

The phone call:
Rudy:What the hell Maddie? How could she do this to you? You putted so much effort in that relationship and she goes and does this? What B*tch man.
Maddie: If I'm being honest with you, I was expecting something bad, maybe not cheating but something was wrong the last 3 weeks. But it is her lost because I really loved her and made every sacrifice I could for her.
Rudy: Yeah I get it. I get you so well because now I'm in a position where my feet are tied because I am in love with Elaine and I love you as my best friend and she is jealous of our fanbase where there are so many mor actors more famous than us and their girlfriends have no problem with it.
Maddie: Rudy things can not keep going like this. Have you seen what the fans are saying because it got out that we were in a fight by god knows who and the rumours are that you asked for your character to die. It is a job and it has it pros and cons and she is mature enough to understand that. I went on TikTok yesterday for some minutes and there were videos of people rude things about her but also spoke ill about my fight with her and some of them were saying that because I am famous I treat her like shit which we both know that it is not true.
Rudy: I will talk to her Maddie but now that we are going on vacations lets take some time aways from paparazzi that way no more shitty rumours.
Maddie: Yeah you are right but you can't expect me to treat her right , not until she apologises to me because I didn't start any fight her jealousy did.
Rudy: Gosh you both will kill me but when you're right you're right so I will talk to her. So see you later at our house? The gang will come all of them so thats why I called. I wanted you to come and I made it clear to Elaine no mor drama , I just want a game night with my friends.
Maddie: Oh I will totally be there kicking your asses hahaha I will win.bye Ruds, see you tonight.
Rudy: Bye Madds.
Him calling me Madds meant that the wanter was clear between us and the tension was lifting. Me and mads had plans for a spa day but I called her and canceled and went to my parents house I wanted to have lunch with them and told them about my break up with Mariah. My mom hugged me so hard and my dad was There in the best way for me. Also my sister my biggest supporter. My mum is the best cooker in the world, well as every other mum for their kids but I enjoyed the meal because I hadn't eaten from her hands in so long.  After that I went home and watched some more Netflix, called Carlacia and told her to drive together at Rudy's. She was coming around 8 pm.

So guys here is the new chapter hopefully you enjoy it and give a comment what more would you like to read here. I would appreciate if you could leave a little star for my story. Thank you!

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