chapter seven

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Omg a short A/N real quick
I had severe wifi problems from the 5th till the 26th. We recently got fibre glass (I live in a dingy village, don't judge) and my module was broken. I had chapter 6 prepared and asked someone close to me to log on my account and post it for me, but didn't have any others pre written (ówò) .
Don't let me hold you any longer, have fun reading!

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I grit my teeth as the blood continues to dribble down, already staining my pants. It's weird though. My blood is such a weird golden color, still red, but heavily shimmering with gold. The fact that it is luminescent so does not help with the weirdness.

"We should get that wound the care it needs." "Mh-mh, Zorua is right. But it was incredible to watch you fight." A smile is on my lips as I look at the foxes trotting on my sides. "Really?" The ghostly fox nods with incredible enthusiasm. "It was really cool! You looked wild, untamed and absolutely mesmerizing." I chuckle at the compliment, feeling a small blush settling on my cheeks.

Ah man... The two of them are so sweet. "Well, both of you look real cool too when you are fighting." Their tails wag happily at that. Oh what did I do to deserve such cute and compassionate partners? They are too adorable.

The happy flower atmosphere is gone as soon as we actually reach camp though.

"Inyo! What the hell were you thinking?!" I frown slightly, yet my expression immediately softens to a comforting smile as I squat down for my not-yet-daughter. "Dawn, everything is alright." "No! It's not alright, nothing is alright! You're... You're..?" A chuckle makes my shoulders bob slightly. "I'm what? Bleeding?" But she just softly hits my chest.

I let the girl vent her frustration and fear, looking at the other people watching the display. Well, it is all of them but Volo, he is sitting at the campfire with a hard to read expression. Hm...

Tears are rolling down her reddened cheeks and she looks at me with such a distraught expression. I take her hands softly in mine and smile up at her. "It's okay. This little wound won't kill me. Besides, now I know what color my blood is!" The guards slap their foreheads and Dawn looks at me like I'm a lunatic before laughing. "You're so weird!"

A laugh of my own leaves my lips as I stand back up. "Now, I see you all already ate so it's time for bed. We will have a peaceful night tonight, so I better not see anyone of you out and about." All of them retire into their tents, well, all but Volo. Who is still raking sticks through the fire.

I look down at my two fox friends and nod towards the spot next to the sleeping Wyrdeer. They nod and go to it to sleep now as well. Both of them deserve to have a rest after their fights. I myself move to sit next to Volo, a soft smile gracing my features.

His hands stop the obsessive poking and his eyes stare at my wound before slowly meeting mine. "Do you not want to dress your injury?" I tilt my head slightly, finally being able to read his expression and aura now that he doesn't block everything out. "I wanted to ask for your help. It needs air but it also needs to be cleaned and I don't want to worsen it on accident." We stare at each other before he sighs with a defeated smile.

He takes out a rag from his pocket and a container of water, wetting the rag. Gentle touches start to clean the gash, expression concentrated yet so full of mourning and grief. Under his breath he curses as the bloodflow doesn't stop. He tries again, but it comes to the same result.

"I don't think we can keep it like that. I need to actually dress it." "That's okay. I trust you." He jolts slightly and then looks up at my face again, a blush spreading on his face. I can hear his heartbeat and breathing quicken slightly. "Don't look at me like that..!" Volo hides his face when I lean mine closer to him, smile never leaving my lips. "Don't look at you like what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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