The Good Painter

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The Good Painter

"I'm going to need wicked aardvarks, big, wicked aardvarks."

75-year-old Alice Barlow had given up on her life's ambition to become a painter.

However, at a dinner party she discovers some spiteful teens trying to mug her clever nephew, Tommy Wilson, and she decides it's time for change.

In need of some dice and wicked aardvarks, helpful and considerate Alice pops to Amsterdam for a bit of shopping.

Having led a idyllic life, Alice finds herself unable to find wicked aardvarks in Amsterdam. So she sets out to acquire some wicked aardvarks from Oxford instead.

Soon, she has all the wicked aardvarks she needs and begins secretly applying for painter jobs. She soon realises that spiteful teens plan to sabotage her new career prospects and decides to take action.

However, when Tommy calls, begging her to come home, Alice is forced to decide what is more important: stopping the spiteful teens that mug each other, or preserving her relationship with her nephew?

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