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     Sangwoo had went into her room and placed the journal under her bed while she was in the bathroom, puking her guts up. He then went in to check on her. When he walked in, he was greeted with a mess of chunky fluids all over. He went to her, and helped hold her hair up for her as more and more of the mess entered the toilet to greet the piles of it that were already in the once pristine waters below. 

     He didn't mind the mess, or the smell. She was still perfect and beautiful in every way to him. He could tell she felt embarrassed that he was there, watching her vomit. But he didn't care. He loved her. Every retching noise she made, he fell deeper in love. By the time she was finished throwing up, he had so much love for her that it could spill out of him to meet the mess she had made on the floor. 

     But his love was rotten, and it wasn't like any other love out there. He wanted her for himself. He wanted to trap her with him, to ruin her. And he called it love. 

     He helped her get to her room. He laid some clothes out for her to change into while he cleaned the mess in the bathroom. He took the mop out of the laundry room and began working on making the bathroom spotless again. When there was no more vomit in sight, he sprayed the air with air freshener to conceal the smell. He then went in her room to check on her.

     When he knocked on the door and heard the "Come in!" he opened the door slowly. He froze in surprise, seeing that she didn't have a shirt on. She had managed to pull on the shorts Sangwoo laid out for her, but she was struggling with the shirt he gave her. "U-uh.. Y/N?..." He said, looking away from her and trying to resist walking in there and fucking her right then and there. 

     "Sangwoo.." She moaned. "I need help getting this on.." He gulped. "O-okay, Y/N.."

     He stepped toward her and took the shirt from her hands. "Um.." He turned her around. That was a bad idea. He was now even harder looking at her ass hanging out from her shorts. "Uh!" He turned her back around. Also a bad choice. She was looking up at him intently, waiting for him to dress her. Her tits were bulging out of her bra. He gulped once more, before recklessly throwing the shirt over her face and trying his best to fit her arms through the holes of the shirt. He tried to keep his composure but it was difficult as he brushed against her bare breasts and skin. Finally, he was able to get the shirt on and quickly left the room and shut the door.

     "Y/N, just come out when you're ready to brush your teeth and stuff," he said to her through the door, glad to finally get out of that situation so she wouldn't notice how aroused he was. He rubbed his boner through his pants, sighing. "Oh! But I'm ready now!" The girl cheered, opening the door right as he was groping his cock. He immediately stopped rubbing, but the girl  somehow didn't even notice and just made her way to the bathroom.

     Fuck.. He thought. 

     She left the bathroom a few minutes later. Sangwoo's erection had finally gone down enough to be safe to be around her. She pulled him into her bedroom with her and shut the door behind them. She giggled. "We need to.. We need to find my journal okay?" He nodded. "And.. if you find it I'll let you sleep over again and sleep in my bed with me tonight." His eyes widened. She moved closer to him. "Isn't that every guy's dream to sleep in the same bed as a girl?" 

     He looked away from her, his face red. "I-I guess.." He backed away form  her. "Let's get looking."

     He pretended to look around for a but before making his way to the edge of her bed and looked under it. "Hm.. Is this it?" He held the journal that he had planted up, pretending like he had never seen it before. Y/N's eyes lit up.

     "Yes!! That's it!" She ran over to him and grabbed it from him. "I could have sworn I looked there before.. Oh my goodness, thank you so much, Sangwoo!" She threw her arms around him, hugging him from the side, letting her boobs push up against his arm. She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek as a thank you. "As I promised, you can sleep in here with me if it's okay for you to spend the night!"

     He smiled. "Yes, I think it should be fine. We just have to be up early for classes tomorrow, okay?" She nodded, and got into the bed. He followed, laying right next to her. He sighed. She turned off the light on her night stand. They were left in complete darkness. Together. In the same bed. The blankets rose a little bit where Snagwoo's groin was located. 

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