To All The Voices Ring

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Many things may come to this life and one of them for certain may be your fortune may not be gold yet hard work never goes by the wayside. AuthorDeeAnnGorman.
Inside himself, a part of Shem needed to let go of his past. A women in his life May Yoder, married to someone else. He had been so in love with him yet she had fallen for Jebedaih Stoltzfus. He'd seen her another man's baby in her belly and felt overwhelmed. He still loved her,
Consequently, which happened to him, his head unattached afterward after seeing them together at the town fair. Suddenly he needed space, she of course didn't care a bit as she always had toward him.
He'd got on his faithful hen, horse, by the name of Smokey. They trotted off he lost his head almost literally and hit a branch hanging low to the ground. On the path of Righteousness right outside of town. He opted to go in that direction on this particular day upsetting all. Suddenly it hit him, he swayed and his special hen he road saved him, she knelt down so as to let him fall forward into his saddle.
She ran fast scared ending up at the Zook Market. Where they helped him calling an ambulance he'd had quite a brush with death really. By calling him an ambulance to carry him to the hospital. From the surgery right away saved his eye witch a patch kept safe for the time being.
His favorite horse Smokey, was taken in there at Zooks fed and groomed. Until Shem came home, from the hospital. At that time he will hire a nursemaid to come from the hospital to help get him back on his feet.
His Braudar, Trevor, shared farmed with him, and suddenly his other Braudar Harley came to live and take on chores. Back at the hospital, Shem is ready to come home after weeks of care.
An Amish lady around his age by the name of
Wynetta Bontrager. Lovely as ever a Lasey could be cherished Registered nurse. He would grow to be quite fond
In the meantime, she worked hard on his range of motion. Getting him to walk using a cane, pivotal sit on the chair. Using the buggy, and truck with ease. Soon his responses to his basic needs were met by himself. She had done a fabulous job giving him rehab.
    They both had become close friends, today he started working alone in the house for six more weeks to check again and see where she evaluated him for endurance. Life becomes bearable to live again with the help of an RN, by the name of Wynetta. Pretty as all get out, small, and dark hair up in a bun, big brown eyes, high cheekbones, oval-shaped face, pink lipped beauty.
He looked upon her as a pillar of obedience, and help, and she made his life back to normal after the accident. She stayed in the guest house, right next to his farmhouse.
   Trevor And Harley Beiler, braudaars to Shem. Both caught up in a day of Horseshoeing, four Quarter horses. Decided to go up to the Farmhouse in which they lived eat breakfast, early chores over.
    Because this morning only had orange juice, kaffi, and oatmeal. They were hungry. Manny the cook a retired Old Order Amishman. He lived there single cooking and cleaning for him.
Tonight's serving, broiled pork loin, mashed potatoes and gravy, homemade wheat bread, churned creamy butter, applesauce warmed,
Tiny sweet pickles in a pretty beveled glass dish. A pink flowered bowl made just for vegetables, mixed corn, peas, and carrots a pad of melted butter, and honey cornbread. Iced sweet tea and kaffi.
Tonight is family night all setting around the table. Bowed our heads in prayer, then passed dishes around to begin eating. What excellent food.
     The church is crowded tonight, the Zook family, Mater, Fater, Angie, Marie, and Schwester Katherine's home again, after visiting out East another Amish Village being a Nanny there to a large Mennonite family. Until their mother was well and up on her feet once more. She became family there, in great hopes of becoming intimate with an Amishman out that way.
     Thinking back to him she felt saddened, bewildered, almost shunned like, even though she wasn't. She came home to a gracious warm homecoming. In her heart so glad to be back home. For her life revolved around this family.
   To all things, I shall come to thee needing thee. No matter where you are, who you are with, I shall do the same. May all the voices Ring, The Zook family. The family Bible has a quote on the front of the family tree written in Pennsylvania Dutch.
     Today all made sense to Katherine, her arrival back home to the open-armed for her. Letting her know how much she is loved and needed. Respected for her ever-knowing
diligence to the word of our Lord.
     And for some reason, each prayer sermon mentioned today felt right like meant the Lord spoke to her. Through Scripture. Amish Mennonite Brethren.
    Katherine had been waved at by Charles Yoder, she had dated him before. She'd heard through the grapevine his engagement had been broken off a year ago. He was handsome as ever tall, with dark curly hair, and big blue eyes. Thick build heavy hands, callused from hard work. The farmstead he owns right outside of town is a piece.
Yes a big white-washed house, a wrap-around porch. Many big white Barns outside a chicken farm, he sold meat and eggs, supper clean facility. "Anyway there he stood looking directly at me ." Katherine went on to relate the story back to her Schewesters right at home. Setting upstairs inside the pretty apartment they'd all share together.
Lounging in recliners for it be Sundaag, a day of rest no work. "I am so glad to have you back home sharing an apartment with us," Angied said smiling.
" Danke, I sure am, except I'd had a romance while away, generally speaking. We broke it off and here I will be once again, happy indeed," she said.
" Im unsure of any romance as of late," Sweet Marie said ," I feel as though I'm blindfolded at times for I'm on unsteady with my footing. I have no boyfriend yet. There has been prospects though."
Angie told her side of the story, single, sometimes date, and they return to an old girlfriend. All in all, I'm just going to let God lead me to the right Amishman."
     " All I know is this afternoon has been the best time ever, is three together again. Me and my Schwesters, together once again, I'm so happy," Katherine acknowledged them.
   They all agreed it was a spell of delightful encouragement to tell you the truth. So they say a bond between siblings is hard to break. And a love for each other is unmistakably, a story in itself, a never-ending story.
    How comforting it is to know you have a built-in best friend for life. Mater and Fater gifted you. Imagine a lifelong friend, someone always available to you, to go somewhere.
     Everything falling into place at last , no short comings , to fall back on us. Forward , as we go all will weave its way into life as we understand it should be. Tomorrow another day of this road of life as an Amish Mennonite.
     In the next few weeks much gut will come of
Life as we know as long as we are going together. Soon the sounds of their laughter filled the air. Inside the apartment shared by them all.
     In moments Angie standing next to the donut fryer , frying donuts. Flavored vanilla, plain, chocolate and coconut. Marie came to stand next to her , twisting pretzel dough to bake a small amount of sea salt to top each one.
    Katherine, stood making fruit smoothies in a blender , to serve us all . When we were all done. A dark blue heavy mug filled full of yumbly gut stuff , a larger round straw put in the surge of fruity thick tastes concoction.
     Angie set a platter of freshly made donuts on the table, and hurriedly went to put up the window a small yard stick from sewing keeping it from shutting. A breeze soon settled in the apartment, as heat started to accumulate from baking.
      They sat to eat something for brunch , a cold banana soup on the side so yumbly gut to eat. Bowing heads in prayer before hand digging in , being famished,
     Recipe for Amish cold " Banana Soup."
Six ripe bananas, sliced thickly
Two packets of stevia
Four cups of Milk , left cold , do not heat .
This is meant to be a cold soup , Amish dearly loved.
1 16 oz.drained can of mixed fruit
Using spatula empty into pot
1 16 oz. Can of whole peaches
1 large tub of yogurt lemon flavored
Whisk till smooth
We made a large round pan of wheat bread
In the center cut cubes
Dip in soup , use small pretty fruit dishes to set them in and put on soup to dip
Sprinkle with Cinnamon lightly
Serve using a soup ladle
   They dug in eating much soup , visiting till their heart's content , so yumbly gut to eat. What a delightful breakfast it was , and so filling . Sunny outside, not a cloud in the side , chickens cooing , crowing , cackling and pecking corn.
        Today Sunday off to praise and sing giving Thanx. " What shall we do on this sunny , fine day? Marie thought aloud to Angie and Katherine.
      Dressed in pretty sun dresses , they grabbed
Straw baskets and hiked to pick grapes , large thick skinned ones. In the bottom of each basket a small hand made flour sack to wipe hands , and cover what inside the basket.
    Holding on to them head on barefoot to the Grape vines, to pick the good from the unready
Fruit pieces. Such love goes Into each pick, setting it gently inside the basket. Until finally a mound of dark grapes settled there.
    Afterward, inside their private home kitchen, made grape juice. Such an aroma in the air lovely,  so nice of a day they canned jars of juice. Then bake biscotti to dip in a favorite flavor of kaffi.
Amish Recipe for Biscotti
1 refrigerator egg
1 tsp. Baking soda
3 cups flour
1/2 cup white granulated sugar
1/2 tsp. Salt
Tsp. Vanilla
1 cup walnuts crushed
1/2 cup butter
1 cup prepared friendship starter
Mix well, roll an Pat into a log
Bake at 350
When cooled on a rack, slice into thin pieces
Then wrap in self tie using a thin ribbon of your choice
Eat at home while kaffi time
Share also among family and friends for a great treat.

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