Chapter One

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I let the warm sun hug me all over. I heard my grandmother walk out the back door, "your gonna miss this huh?" she asked. I took off my sunglasses and sat up. "yeah, but I mean... I know dads not okay right now and he's all alone and i just wanna be there for him. You know?" i sighed, remembering. A few months ago my mother passed away. They had been divorced for five years before then, but there was a unfinished story between them. I could tell they still loved each other, but to scared to rekindle the fire they once had.
My grandmother sat down our drinks, "I know sweetie, it's been hard on everyone. I know how much he loved her." Everyone loved my mom. she was the kind of crazy that was fascinating, you could never get enough. She was outgoing. Everyday she had a new idea or a new passion. My father was more introverted, he liked doing things one at a time. I think that's why they broke up, they were total opposites.
I looked at my phone and saw a message from dad, [hey, just making sure you won't miss your flight. don't forget your meds.] I fought the urge to roll my eyes. As if my grandma could read my mind she handed me my icy drink and three little pills. I took them from her but hesitated. "i really don't think i'll need these, i'm fine" i told her. "i know you think that, it's because of them. I know it sucks buts worth it, i promise." she smiled sweetly. I checked the time [1:45]. I swallowed my medicine along with my pride. I turned sideways on the white beach chair and looked at my beautiful grandmother, "i'm gonna miss you most. it's gonna be weird without you everyday." She smiled and her eyes crinkled. "we'll call everyday, i still have your grandfather". We both stood and i gave her a huge hug. I was pushing off leaving. I didn't want to leave the sun. I didn't want to leave the beautiful palm trees and flowers. i didn't want to leave her.
I hauled myself into the house to grab my remaining luggage. I didn't have much but enough to fill 4 suitcases to the brim. I took a walk around the house i have lived in for the past three years. There were little drawings all over the walls from when i was little. I remember my grandma on the floor trying to get them off but then gave up. well there not coming off so there obviously part of the houses story. I chuckled at the bittersweet memory and continued. All of my school pictures were lined up on the wall. Every awkward phase i had been through. My favorite is my 3rd grade picture, my mom had promised to take me to to get ice cream if i smiled my biggest smile i could muster. I've always hated other people taking pictures of me, it made me look weird. But it was the middle of summer and i craved the sweet relief. I remember smiling so hard it made my cheeks hurt. Whenever my mom finally got the pictures she tried to stifle a laugh, "honey. these are great!". I beamed proudly and ran for the car. I never knew why she laughed until now, i looked crazy. My eyes were wide and my brown hair was frizzy and wild. I blushed out of embarrassment i didn't have 8 years ago.
My eyes fell over my moms jacket, laying in the ripped leather chair. It was a pretty jean jacket with patches all over it. My favorite patch was the little red mushroom surrounded by butterflies. I found it in the thrift store near my house and fell in love. I brought it home and showed my mom, she ran to the next room to grab her sewing supplies. I beamed proudly when she finished, i still remember the smile she gave me back.
I grabbed the jacket and headed to my room. The walls were bare and bland now. I stood still for a second and said my goodbyes in my head. I grabbed my last suitcase and knocked on the wooden frame one last time. I did it everyday for good luck.
Outside my grandmother was waiting by my car to say her last goodbyes. I closed my eyes to fight off tears threatening to fall, and swallowed the lump in my throat. When i made it to her i threw my luggage down and wrapped my arms around her, "i love you so much nana, i'll call everyday. i'm gonna miss you so much. I'll be down to visit and-" my grandmother cut off my rambling with her musical laugh. "honey i know. It's going to be okay, your gonna be okay". I sighed and let go. I picked up the suitcase and shoved it into my back seat. I gave her one last hug then got into my car. It was a hour and a half drive to the airport, and then a three hour flight. I prepared myself for the long journey and started the car. Goodbye Miami. Hello Aqueous County.

I had 26 minutes until i was at the airport. i'd already made it through all my playlists, and ate all of my snacks. I took a deep breath and yelled. I was so tired of being nervous, and being a ball of anxiety. I just wanted to suck it up and be confident like i used to be. I slumped my shoulders and yelled at myself internally. Just be normal. You don't need to be worried all the time. Your literally going to be fine it's just your dad. And school. Thinking about school made my chest tighten and stomach turn. The town was small only a few thousand people. That sounds like a lot but it's not. Everyone knew each other, and three generations ago. I knew already what people would think. They all knew my story. The child of the lady that got away and died. My eyes burned and my throat closed. no your own ball of anxiety. you have your own story. I saw a sign for a gas station and took the turn. My tank was almost empty. And i needed to pee.
I walked in with the whiny chime bell on the door. The lady at the counter looked at me then back to her phone. I put my head down and headed for the restroom. When i was finished i looked at myself in the cracked mirror. My black and red hair was in a messy bun and i had on a gray sweat-suit. The bags under my eyes were bigger than the luggage in my car. I wiped the smeared mascara from my eyes and hurried out the door. I grabbed a few energy drinks and a bag of salty chips. As i walked up to the counter, the woman looked me up and down. I put down my things and reached into my pocket, "you heading somwhere?" she asked. I grabbed my card and handed it to her slowly, "yeah, to the airport. Its a long flight". She put everything in a bag and handed it to me with a smirk on her face. "where you going?". I sighed and grabbed the bag from her, "Aqueous County." She just looked back at her phone  and we both said our goodbyes in hushed voices.

I was waiting to board my flight, and watching people reunite all around me. I wondered how I was going to greet my dad. Would we hug? Would we both act excited and jump around each other? Anxiety threatened all of the snacks i shoved down my throat. I heard more people greet each other excitedly, I rolled my eyes and opened my book to inevitably hurt my eyes and be full of regret later on.
"You can now board your flight!". I heard a loud authortive voice say over the speakers. I stood and grabbed my carry on. here we go...

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