Chapter Two

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As the plane grew closer to the earth, my stomach churned with anxiety. I knew this move was needed, but my heart longed to turn around and go back to my actual home. I stay seated while everyone rushes to grab their carry on bags and get off the plane. I hear excited chatter of familes ready to reunite with their loved ones. After waiting a while, i get up from my seat and make my way down the plane. More anxiety threatend the unsetteled air plane food. Taking the steps as slow as i could, i heard joyus squeals all around me. My heart felt confused. I wanted to be as excited. I wanted to have a giant grin on my face ready to see my father again. Pushing through the crowd, i searched for my father. Would he look the same? did he grow out a beard?

I see him holding a big sign with "Kalia White" written on the front. He doesnt see me yet, i couldve made a run for it. Instead i gather up every emotion and second guessing in my body and shout out to him. He turns towards me and i see a familer smile filled with warmth. My eyes began to water and i rush towards him. He drops his sign and pulls me into a hug. A huge rush of relief flows through me and i melt into his arms. It wasnt as different as I thought, were gonna be okay. He stepped back and picked up his sign, wiping away tears. "hi honey, i missed you so much. You look so different than the last time i saw you." We both sat in an awkward silence. The last time i saw him was my mothers funeral. "yeah, you too dad. I see your beard has started to come in", he chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "yeah well, thought it might be time to make a change. hell, maybe ill even find a girlfriend." i shook my head as i smiled and we walked through the air port to grab the rest of my bags. As we were waiting, my dad made friends with an older man who apparently just got back to town. They bonded over their children being close in age and the man said his son was going to the same school. Which there was only one besides the one down at the reservation. He shook my hand and we parted ways with the man. "well thats good, you wont be the only new kid huh?" my dad says as he grabbed my bags. I just shook my head and mumbled "yeah". We made our way towards the rain making beautiful music on the fogged glass. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for this new life. Maybe it wont be so bad?

On the drive back to the house we updated each other on our lives. He listened to every stupid rant i had, we laughed at things that werent supposed to be funny. I felt okay for the first time since my mom died. He told me my car wasnt supposed to be here until next week so i dont have to go to school until then. Which made me sigh with relief, i would now have time to prepare myself even more. He turned on our road and the house slowly came into view.
It was two story and had vines all over it. with a big front porch. My mom had my dad paint the house a light yellow when they first bought it, she had wanted it to be more bright and happy. It stood out against the dark emerald haze that covered the town.

I saw someone sitting in the wooden rocking chair on the porch and quickly recognized my childhood bestfriend, Alex. I jumped out of the car and ran towards him, he got up and gave me a giant hug. "oh my gosh i didnt expect to see you here, i thought you moved up state?" i asked excitedly. "well dad needed me so i came back a year ago" he explained. i studied his expression and realized how much he grew up. He was very tall and muscular, with olive skin and green eyes. He had always been beautiful. My dad cleared his throat and i turned towards him, "welcome home lils".

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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