*After breakfast Tata is in his room facing the wall as Kook told him. While kook is gone somewhere. Today Kook took holiday and didn't Let Tata go too. Soon kook entered the room with paddle. He saw Tata sobbing but he put a stern face.*
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"Dadda come here" Kook called in a coldest voice. Tata slowly went to kook while sobbing hard.
*Kook pulled him on his lap in straddling position*
"Tell me what you did" Kook asked coldly.
"I d-isob-eyed yo-u a-nd ove-rwor-ked mys-elf" Tata answered sobbing badly.
"So what you deserve" Kook asked again.
"Pun-ish-me-nt" Tata answered.
" No cuddles for one week. No hugs for one week. You will work from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm only. And you will get 30 bare spanks" Kook said without any emotion.
I am not emotionless bro. Don't worry Kook will melt against Tata and will give hugs and cuddles ______________________________________
"Ko-o I w-ill ta-ke mo-re sp-ank-ing b-ut ple-ase i wa-nt yo-ur hu-gs a-nd cud-dles" Tata said.
"You will get 20 spanks with hand and 10 with paddle" Kook said and without answering his question, Kook flipped him on his lap ang pulled his bottoms till his knees.
"No need to count first 20 let's finish it fast" Kook said trying his best not to melt or cry himself.
*Kook gave first 20 spanks with his bare hand without any break. And the spanks were really hard. Tata was crying loudly. Kook picked the paddle after giving 20 second break to crying Tata*
"Last ten you should count"
SMACK T-wo . . . . . . . . HARD SMACK T-e-n
*Kook made Tata stand and made his clothes proper*
"Go and wash your face" Kook said. His voice was neither soft nor cold.
"Ko-o Hu-g-gie-s" Tata said ang tried Hug Kook but Kook just dragged him to restroom and washed his face himself. After that he again took him to room.