Seceret Room

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Y/n:Alrights bowser me and Wendy better be going gust let me say good bye to your kids.

Bowser: Alright but Im pretty sure I last saw them near your castle exploring.

Y/n:(thinking) Now why would they be near my castle

Y/n:Ok bowser thanks for letting be know just tell me when wendys all packed up.

(Insides Y/n's Kingdom)

(Jr's pov)

Larry: ok guys lets see what's inside uncle y/n's secret room

Lemmy: are you sure this is a good idea.

Morton: come on we should know what secret our uncle is hiding.

jr: alright guys enough talking lets smash its open.

Iggy: Shouldn't we just teleport ourselves inside to no make lots of noise.   

Ludwig: that doesn't sound like a bad idea alright we will do that. 

(the koopalings teleport inside)

All: Wooooooow lok at all this cool stuff 

Morton: all this stuff looks pretty strong but why does he have these cherrys

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Morton: all this stuff looks pretty strong but why does he have these cherrys

(2:30-2:32 just imagine two Mortons)

Roy: ummm guys you might want to look at this.

Lemmy: what wro...

Morton 1-2: I don't feel so good wait why do i hear two of me.

ludwig: you might want to look to your side .

( they look at each other )

Morton 1-2: this is pretty cool

jr: iggy can you explain this. 

Iggy: if I would guess i would say that the cherry copied Morton but only copies what the original one does .

jr: when do you think it will wear off .

Ludwig: if I remember anything from dad he said when fighting mario it is to hit him to lose his power-up .

Lemmy:I go this (summons his ball to hit Morton)

Morton: Oww but thank you.

Roy: Guys theirs a chest which is locked off.

Larry: let me try to open it.

( after a couple of spells he finally opened it  )

Roy: hey guys why are their crowns in here.

Ludwig: why would uncle keep these in a chest I'm not sure but we should get out of here

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Ludwig: why would uncle keep these in a chest I'm not sure but we should get out of here.

Lemmy: I hear uncle coming quick let's leave.

Iggy: way ahead of you but grab a couple of those crowns.

(They teleport outside of the room)

(Y/n pov)

Y/n: hey kids how's it going.

Roy:(nervous) nothing much why are you here?

Y/n: I just wanted to say that I'm about to leave to the boo mansion and was saying good bye to you all.

Jr: Well I hope it goes well uncle see you soon.

Y/n: hey kids why are near my special room?

Roy: (nervous )we were just wondering what's inside.

Y/n: that's nice to hear you are good kids.

Lemmy: thank you uncle see you soon and please keep Wendy safe.

Y/n: I promise kids see you soon.

(After saying goodbye to the Koopalings and leading them outside your kingdom you go see Wendy finish packing and ready to leave)

Wendy: your ready to go uncle.

Y/n: yes I am goodbye brother see you in a couple of days.

Bowser: See you later brother and you better keep Wendy safe!

Y/n:I already promised you kids see you later.

(After saying your goodbye you and Wendy leave to your kingdom and fly to the boo mansion and hopefully the Koopalings don't do anything with those crowns.)

(Slick zorin: sorry guys I haven't been writing I just had to keep my grades up and other things please forgive me.)

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