7. Request

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Stubbornness knows not its own defeat.

He wandered in the courtyard for a while when he spotted his aunt pacing around. She looked deep in thought, stressed.  He wondered if she was thinking about his well-being, he hadn't seen her since he locked himself in his taken room.

So he went to her. But suddenly stopped dead in his tracks.

"What do you mean!?" His body violently shook in anger, "What did you just say?!"

Aunt Amélie became rigid, the caller on her phone repeatedly asking her questions but she couldn't utter a sound. Slowly she turned around to meet her nephew. His face pale, eyebrows furrowed breathing so heavily, cold vapour escaping his nostrils.


"What did you say!?" his voice cracked, "What did you say right Aunt Amélie, you know I heard it. Tell me what happened to Nathalie?!"

Just then Juliette stepped out of the house running to check what was happening. Her mother shifted her eyes to her, she was alarmed.

"What's going on?" she asked carefully. She turned to Adrien who was shaking still in one place. "Adrien, what's happened?"

No reply.

She looked back and forth between the two. "Mom, please tell me what's going on?"

She turned to Adrien and that's when she saw it, the young man was standing still, tears falling down his cheeks as he looked at her mother, She felt a pang in her heart.

"Someone tell me what's going on?" worry taking over, "Mom?-"

"Juliette." She turned to the woman who shook her head, "That's enough."

Amélie reached for Adrien but he swatted her hand.

"...Don't touch me."

He wiped his tears and walked away.


Amélie took a deep breath and then spoke, "Nathalie, Adrien's father's Secretary and close family friend is in a critical position. She got somehow attacked last night, no one knows how she got like that. She's lying unconscious as we speak."

Juliette was stunned, she felt a shiver down her back.

"Juliette, get back in and see if your cousin is okay, I'll finish with my call. He was not supposed to hear of this news in the first place."

Then the doors reopened and Adrien came out.

"Let me go see Nathalie."

"What?!" "No!" The two replied at the same time.

"Look Adrien I know this is hard but--

"Aunt Amélie I can't afford to lose her as well, what if she doesn't come out of her unconsciousness? What if she never wakes up or worse... I need to see her."

"I can't let you go. Not the way you are, what if this is all a setup? Adrien, you can't go back--"

"I don't care, I DON'T GIVE A F--- IF I SEE MY FATHER. If it were him that was in her position I wouldn't waste my time but Nathalie? Nathalie, she's like a mother to me I can't just not be at her side when she's fighting to wake up."

"Then let me go with you." Juliette said stepping in, "I should escort you at least we won't worry about it, right mom?"

"No." Amélie turned to Adrien, "You're staying here. You're not going anywhere, understood?"

"This is ridiculous." Adrien let out a dead laugh, "Why can't I just go and see her, do you not trust that I'm fine? No Amélie I'm going."

"Adrien?!" Juliette shouted.

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