The worse

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btw the ship was picked on a announcement so ya, here ya go person who suggested, person who also agreed and people who may read this in the future 

He had been training with master Wu for ages. he reached his true potential and dealt with the great devourer. he had wished for time to go back like no one had ever found Nadikhan's teapot. but one of his eyes would hurt occasionally and he couldn't see anything out of it Aswell. 

 but this was the moment.

he was just about to set foot in the best game ever...

Prime Empire

the one game jay loved and heard about. he had finished the 2nd last level and then the Eletronic voice played. then the arcade machine opened with a glowy light. 

"would you like to enter prime empire?" it played again.

Jay was about to step near the light but his phone started to ring. "Hello?" jay asked. his mum was ringing. she would ring every couple of days or weeks. "is this Jay Walker?" a woman's voice replied. "Yes, but who are you? why are you on my mum's phone!?" Jay exclaimed. the woman's voice didn't sound like his Mum's at all. "I'm a nurse that is working at Ninjago's hospital, your parents are here-" she replied worryingly but jay cut her off. "WHAT!?" Jay exclaimed.


the door to prime empire slammed shut while the electronic voice played once again. 

"not fast enough to capture"

"they are currently in a terrible condition...they may die" 

they  weren't his real parents but they still felt like it. his eyes started to glow as bit of skin off his arm's chipped away. the phone quickly exploded from the amount of electricity flowing through it. Jay's arms had a electric shaped scars from all the times he used his power. it hurts a lot so all he's stuck to not using them as much as all the other ninja's. the scars would be replaced with bigger scars now though...

Sparks flew from jay's hand while his hair turned a white coulor with dark blue streaks. his arms had electricity flowing up from his finger tips as blood started to form while bits of his flesh and skin flew off and incinerated because of the electricity. he let out a blood hurdiling scream that the other ninja's would definetly hear. 

kai pov

i could hear a loud scream. it was coming from the room jay was in playing prime empire. i rushed to the room. sure i but he is one of my friends (boyfriend). i saw jay on the floor. his shirt had started to get ripps in them as electricity was flowing in circles around the boy. his eyes were glowing white. his arms had cracks of sking coming off with blood dripping from them sizziling from the heat and evaporated before it could touch the floor boards. the cracks formed up onto his neck now and started to crack small pieces of skin off there now as blood poured. 

I was felling sick and the heat was to hot even for me, the master of fire...electricity is a way fire is formed though...i guess me and jay have a connection.

the rest of the group ran now relising that jay hadnt screamed at all because of raging at losing a level and gasped. 

"Jay!" i called out reaching my hand out to him before feeling my hand burning hot but i carried on. "JAY!!" I called out again.  i was breathing heavily as the other dudes befind me grabbed at my arm and told me to stop walking forward. 

i didnt know if he'd respond to jay at this state...i have to think of something else... oh my god im gonna get bullied for this by the team. 

No one's pov

"LOVEBUG!" I yelled with a hint of blush. Jay's glowing eyes whipped to see kai's looking at him. he opened his mouth as if to speak but no words came out. the inside of the mouth was glowing as he tried to smile. he tryed standing up and was wobbly as he contuied to take small steps until he was about 5 steps away from kai and took his hand before dramatically falling on the floor with no sound. the electricity stopped and the items flying fell to the floor and the cracks in his skin stopped.  his hair turned to his normal brown coulor as he layed unconcise on the floor. blood stopped evaportating so blood dripped from the wounds on to the floor from his arms face and in his body under the clothes that had blood soaking into it. 

Nya, LA-Loyd, cole and zane rn : (⊙﹏⊙)

sorry for the shit grammar lol anywayyyy JAY ANGST/SUFFERING IS DONE (for this part)

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