bro forgot his phone

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"...What?" Jay dropped his phone. the doctor had told him his parents had died. from a poision. and he had missed there calls to be in there at there last moments. it felt like his heart had shattered into a million pieces. and there were 2 people to blame. and he knew one of them. 

and someone was always telling him to ignore the calls because he had buttdialed them or it was a scammer trying to continuously scam him. 

"Jay? are you okay?" Kai walked up behind him. he saw the phone and turned white like a ghost. 

"..." jay was clenching his fists. his eyes were still filled with shock and now there was a hint of two things. 

hatred. and...emptiness...

he threw his ninja mask on the ground. water and dirt seeping into the fabrics. 

"I quit"  

"...quit what?" kai scratched the back of his neck with an nervous smile. 

"I quit being a ninja." Jay stared at kai. 

"you cant quit- im sorry for not telling you about your parents and-" Kai sighed. kai stopped the act. he fully knew jay knew what he did. 

"i cant quit? oh my parents just fucking died and your telling me i cant quit" Jay glared. "what a comedian really" 

"we save people. thats our job. if you leave...people could die" Kai reasoned. 

"oh? you didnt think to save my parents? you didnt think to tell me about my parents? about my white hair? i couldve saved them if you hadnt kept this information! i couldve found a cure. i couldve saved my parents...if it wasnt for you!" Jay exclaimed. tears falling down his cheek, glossy blue eyes like water.  

"im sorry okay! you looked so happy and it took me years to get over my parents so i just...couldnt imagine you having to go through that!" Kai contested with sympathy. 

the air was thick. water dripped from roofs. the sky turned grey like a storm. stars hidden away from everything. 

" your sad backstory hint for someone who cares" Jay huffed as he walked past kai walking into him on purpose. 

kai slipped his hand onto jays squeezing it tight. jay looked at blankly. kai's eyes were bright. he had no evil intensions for jays parents. he hadnt assesed the situation properly. and it came to bite him back. 

jay shook his hand out of kai's with a emotionless glare turning his back to kai about to walk off. 

"wait-" Kai choked out. 

"if i dont leave now i think i might try attemped murder" jay turned around to face kai again. 

 he was laughing like a crazyperson. eyes still filled with revenge, insanity and emptiness. a large smile plastered on his face his dimples very noticable. his pupils small and crazed like a mad person.   

he then ran. out of the alley. through the city. hell he even ran through the desert for a bit before breaking down. punching the rock leaving a small dent. salty tears running down his face onto the rock leaving  moist trail before evaportaing when touched by sand. his hands covering his face. he was knealed down. 

his friend, best friend...maybe crush had let the two most important people in his life die. two people who were always there for him. his two  and whoever had poisioned them? for years now? he was going to make them Pay 

Ooooo villain eraaaa

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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