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"I'll go shopping now ma!" Jay laughed walking outside his caravan looking home. "Okay! make sure you grab some milk because i don't *cough* want your father going to get some!" Edna laughed going back to watching Tv. "I'll remember" Jay yelled running outside of the junk yard with his bicycle. It would take at least 30 minutes just to get there but jay was only playing. He rode his bicycle out of view from his parents junkyard and summoned an elemental dragon. 

He knew how to summon it. he knew he had power's since he was little. His parents never found out but he had summoned small little sparks from his hands. he practiced and practiced. soon the he could shoot the electricity. then he could power things up with electricity. he then tryed to create a lot of electricity but he summoned a small little dragon. He rode into town and dropped down into the bin. he hoped no one had seen him. He walked to the arcade and played some prime empire. he walked to 9/11 and bought some milk with some other groceries before walking outside of the city and summoned his dragon again. He flew to the junkyard and put the groceries away. "*cough* oh, hello jay *cough* Back already?" Edna coughed in a raspy voice. "Uhh yeah" Jay lied drops sweat dripping to the floor. "*cough* Heya Hunny! oh hiya jay!" Ed walked in with a red face from being in the sun all day. He went and collapsed on the couch coughing. "You guys should probably get checked or go to a hospital..." Jay Suggested worryingly. "nah *cough* i should be a-okay-" Ed laughed before being stopped by jay. "please just go to the hospital Mum and dad, because you should look after yourself for me because... i still need you..." Jay Walked out the door of the house. "fine... i need some time by myself... ill test out my new invention" Jay muttered walking towards his Wing invention. 

So there jay was. On top of a tall skyscraper with his new invention. it should help him fly without using the dragon he could summon because having an ability to summon a freaking dragon out in the open is crazy and would get out fast. The ground was far as he looked down. He breathed in and took a leap. 

The wind blew through his hair. He closed his eye's he felt like a bird soaring through the sk- 


He flew through a bill board. the wings on his invention were ripped and broken but someone was sitting next to the reckage. an old man with a long white beard with a wide wood hat. 

his name? 

Master Wu...

im honesly just tired and ill be working on taking over the world is hard but this book will be updated every now and then cause i need a break from my lovey dovey drama action superhero book lol. hope you understand! have a good day/night/tea time!!! btw i dont own any pictures in any of my books unless i say i do kay?

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