Chapter 1.

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My alarmclock told me it was 5am in the morning and that it was time to get up. I hopped out of bed and started to make my way to the shower. My thougts drifted off thinking about the coming day, I didn’t have any plans after work, thank god. “Shit” I said, I had been dreaming away and now I only had like 15 minutes to get ready. I quickly dressed, got my bag, keys and phone and left in a hurry. On my way to the busstop I realized I didn’t get anything to eat. “Jennifer, how stupid could you be” I said to myself. I had to walk quickly or else I would miss the bus and that would make this day worse than it already was.

I was at the busstop for a second when I heared the sound of a bus coming towards me. The bus came to a stop and I thankfully stepped in, said hi to the driver and walked to a seat that was free. During the ride to  my work I listened to my favorite music on my phone, not thinking about my surroundings. Whilst listening to my music my mind drifted away to the moment I decided to move back to Croydon, nearby London. Only graduated a month when I decided to move back to the place that gave me my happiness back. Of course for everyone else that would sound stupid and I would never mentioned it. I had my reasons for returning.

Five minutes before my shift started I walked into the lobby of the hotel I worked in. I wasn’t supposed to walk in to the front door, but I made a habit of it. No one actually said anything about it and I didn’t care anyway. Quickly changed and put on my suit and got to the reception desk. “You’re late” my manager said to me. “Oh come on Heather, I wasn’t that late” I said. I got to know Heather last year when I was here on placement. We became friends instantly and kept in touch after I had to return home. Heather was looking at me, “you look like crap” she said. I gave her a look. “Didn’t get an awesome start of the day girl” she said and walked away. Heather knew not to bother me when I was like this. But I had to get out to the reception desk and start working. While walking I put my hair in a messy bun and started helping a guest who wanted to check out.

“How are you doing” someone asked. I lifted up my head to look who it was, “fine” I replied to Chris, one of my friends here. “Well you don’t look fine, you had a crappy morning” he said. “You’re sure you didn’t talk to Heather already” I asked. He gave me a funny look and said “No”. “Yes I had a crappy morning, nothing went my way” I told him. He gave me his sad face and walked away. Me and Chris had been friends since the first week I started working here, he was the person who I told everything. He also was the one who always made sure I got home or some place safe whenever we went out for drinks, cause I had a habit of getting way to drunk for my own good.

The day dragged on and almost everyone who was meant to check out, was gone. We even had some people already checked in. “Sara, I think it’s time to cash up soon”  I said to my collegae. Sara looked up to me and said “yeah, we just have to wait for the other to arrive and then we can count the money and leave”. “I know I know” I said with a smile. Two seconds after I was done speaking, Lennys popped her head through the opening of the door. “Hi you two, I’ll be out in a minute” she said. 

Lennys walked out on the minute as she promised us. "Time to cash up" I told Sara, she gave me a smile. "You really want to get out of here do you?" she said. "Well hell yeah" I said. 

Heather walked by quickly, not even looking at us. "Hey Heather" I yelled at her, "wanna go out for drinks tonight". She turned around and gave me a face that didn't look very happy. "Jen, you can't just yell at me from across the lobby asking to go out for drinks tonight" she said "but yeah, let's go out for drinks tonight". I gave her a smile and let her know I would be back in Croydon at 9pm to pick her up. 

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