Can you just stop

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Bojans pov

As we were on our way to the hotel, we decided to stop for lunch.Bella Cortez was all I could think about. Boys couldn't shut up about her because Jan of course needed to tell everyone.

"Again, how do you know her?" Jan asked, waking me from my thoughts.

"um um we meet in Ljubljana" it was true but I didn't wanna tell them exactly how.

"No shit sherlock" replied Kris, and the three of them started to laugh out loud

"she was kinda hot" said Jan.

'Hello ! Hey joker out right!' Said the girl before they could proceed to ask about Bella again. "I am your huge fan" I was so glad that I could escape all this talking.We all took photos and I quickly went to pay for lunch.

"lets go "i said, they all looked at me confused but they stood up and we were on our way to the hotel it was only 3 min away but i walked fast and told them that we really need to check out in the hotel because they will sell our rooms if we dont. Andof coursetheybelievedme.

Kris and Jure shared a room. Nace and Jan did also. And I was alone.
I don't know why but nobody wanted to be my roommate. If I am being honest, I like it that way. It was refreshing and after they found out about Bella, they would probably make fun of me because I didn't even get her number. 

Did she even like me? 

My phone rang and it was our camera man Mark. We needed to go to a sound check in 30 minutes so we'll meet in front of the hotel in 20 minutes. Iput on some black wide pants and a tshirt.

I stepped out of my room when I heard a familiar voice.

                                                      Authors note

i love dragging this. i am half done writing next chapter so it will be published fast . by by

Through All This Together -Bojan CvjetićaninWhere stories live. Discover now