God please and thanks

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Bojan's pov
This time I could even think anymore I  froze there on the flore.
" heartbeat is back"is all I needed to hear and it happened. I woke up from the nightmare that was happening in front of me.
"Let's take her to the hospital " tall doctor said and others nodded .
"Can I go with her " I jumped from flore
"Are you relative?" He asked
"No but " I tried to explain but he cut me off
He looked at me worried and said
" alright it will probably be better for  you to come" he said
"Thank you doctor " i said I know that I wasn't allowed to go by the rules.
"Come here " he said and we all fast went to the ambulance.
She was stabile but she didn't wake up.
We drove to the hospital. I needed to wait in the lobby when they were running some tests on her.
"Hi are you alright " i here and turned around . Boy I was so glad that they came.
" I am okay, thank you for coming " I said and gave them a small smile.
" ofc " kris said and they sat down next to me
" anything new " nace asked
" no she is still in there" I said
3h sinc they came past when doctor came out . I stood up fast like something came behind me.
" how is she " I asked not giving him time to speak
He softly smiled " you must be Bojan right ?" He asked
"Um yes?" I said confused about the questions
" she is alright and woke up and from the moment she is woken she is asking about you"  he said  and in a second I smiled with a relieve in my eyes
"Come " he said smiling
We were  walking to the room and I was still worried it was all my fault what would she said maybe she just wanted to talk to me to tell me that she never wants to see me again. My thoughts were interrupted by doctors
" you know you saved her life right " he said when he saw my face impressing.
"Yes but it was all my fault at the first place " I said . He stoped and I did too
" i don't believe that after what she said and even if it was she would ask for you " he said looking me straight in my eyes. That made me worry a bit less.
We came to the room
" thank you " I said to the doctor he gently smiled and walked away .
Bella's pov
I woke up in the hospital. Nurse told me what happened and asked me some questions. In the middle I screamed
" Bojan"
"What ?" She asked me
"I need to se Bojan" i said worried
" I will check about it ok" she said and left and said something to doctor that i think was with me first at the hotel.
He came to me
" that's some miracle you are all right now but your heart stoped and you will stay here until tomorrow okay?"
"Yes but I need to see Bojan" I said like he knows  who he is
" the brunette guy?" He asked
" yes " I said almost jumping from happiness
" he is waiting her from the start you came do you want me to get him " 
" yes" i said I need to see him
Some time later
"Bojan " I screamed
" Bella " he said and run to me
He looked so worried why I did that to him.
"I am so sorry " I said feeling really bad
Bojan's pov
" what?, It is not your fault I am sorry it's my fault.." I said but was quickly shut up by her lips on my . I started to feel butterflies in my stomach. And happy came across my face.
" stop dummy is not your fault " she said and smiled . I kissed her again and she started to smile at me
" what " I said giggling
" fuck them" she almost screamed and started smiling with my followed laughter and sight of relief .
" I don't care anymore really fuck them let them think what they want cause I know what I want I want you " she said
" miss Bella Cortez I love you"
"Mr.  Cvjeticanin is love you tooo" she said and we kissed not like ever before .
" you know all this make me think do you want to be mine b..." she said but I interrupted her
" no I want to ask" I said and she giggled "alright "
" Bella would you be my girlfriend ?"
" of course " she smiled.

Hi hi just gonna say that this is not last chapter I am thinking about ending it with next  2 chapter or write one or two more dramas.  I am more leaning toward 2 option but tell me your opinion bye bye 👋 hope you have a awesome day
Words: 806
Side note :can please Wattpad tell me if stories that I read will ever continue or not so some of them end like in the middle and is driving me nuts. Plus my reading list is full of stories like that but they are so great. Any recommendations for bojan stories I can read please ?

Through All This Together -Bojan CvjetićaninWhere stories live. Discover now