No no no

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Mark came to pick us up. I couldn't count how many times bojan said sorry to me. I feel kinda sorry he looked so worried.
Bojans pov
I could see how scared she was I was so worried that I would scare her away because all of this. We came to our hotel. I could see how she tried to brighten the mood but I could feel she was not feeling alright.
" you don't have to come to the gig tonight " I said looking her straight in her gorgeous eyes .
"I want to " she said and smile softly
"Okay sweetheart " I smile back ,the last word came out of sudden .
"Bye now you probably need to go "she said  looking at her phone
"O right bye "I said kinda awkward
We than separate and both walked our way .

Bellas POV
I really need to think all this true. But at the same time I want to support bojan like he did to me. I was always scared about public live I was scared how people look at me I get soo scared when I get to much attention.It all makes me feel like I am not good enough I often have panic attacks ye I have really bad anxiety . But I need to get this work I really started to love him.
Some time later...
I need to get ready for gig. I felt so insecure about the outfit that I bought so I just put on jeans and hoodie. I took bus to there and some employee took me in I was close to stage but not in front row. I had really good look on the stage. The music started to play and if I am being honest I forgot about everything. His voice was so angelic. I didn't know a lot of the songs but I sang along as much as I could. It brought joy to me. After gig bojan send me a message to come to backstage. I was so happy to see him and others. I immediately run to him and hugged him.
"You were so good " I said with a smile on my face.
" thank you darling " he said and in no matter of time our lips met. I felt like nobody was around us. Just me and Bojan in the moment.
We separate and just look at each other.
"We weren't good" Jan pretended to be hurt
"You were really bad"I said jokingly
Jan pretended to cry and we all laughed at his not so good attempt.
"You were all awesome ". I said and hugged all of them .
We talked and all went to our hotel to sleep.
" want to hang out for a bit " i asked bojan biting my lip as he nodded and started to kiss me really passionate and me ofc back. Our clothes were in no need anymore and everything went down in my hotel room.
"I love you "
"I love you too "

I  was woken up by a knock on the door I looked at boja he was still sleeping so beautiful like a baby I throw some clothes on really fast . And went to open the door.
It was kris
"Hi" I said kinda surprised to see him at such an early time.
"Hi sorry to wake you up but do you by any chance know where b..." when he looked behind me and saw him sleeping on bed.
"Oo sorry "
"It's ok" I blushed and smiled awkwardly
" can you tell him to meet up in cafe down stairs in 20 min" he said awkwardly to
"Ofc" I smiled
"You can come too"he said and put hand on his head.
"Sure thanks " I closed the door
I tried to woke up bojan
"Woke up love"
"Nooo come I want to cuddle " he said half asleep
"Kris was kinda here and we need to go downstairs In 15min"
"What " he asked confused and started to dress.
"They can wait " he said and kissed me.
We went to the guys and they just talked about gig tonight. Jan whispered something to bojan and bojan pushed him and turned red.
They went to a sound check. And I went for a walk around the city. I looked at instagram and my heart stopped there there was a picture of me and bojan making out in front of my room with a caption \ Bojan with Bella Cortez last night having fun/ (A/N trust me put on every thing I wanted by billie eilish 1.52 min)with comments like slut .my phone fall down from my hand and i started gasp for air. I grabbed my phone as I run to my hotel and I started to cry and I tried to breathe but it was impossible. I started to shake like crazy . I couldn't believe my eyes how why when. My life was over for me at this point. My panic attack became worse and worse from second to second.Bojan started to call and text me but I was not able to pick up my phone. at point my breath become heavier and harder. I couldn't do it anymore. I heard someone knocking and calling my name but I couldn't even stand. When the door opend I saw bojan as he came to me to say something to calm me down at the moment I couldn't breathe anymore and last tears came from my swollen eyes as my vision blurred and I just collapse. Bojan was shaking me and calling me but I could move it was like I was trapped in my body when I couldn't even hear him anymore .

Hi hi hope you enjoy the chapter still working from my phone so  tell me if you see any mistakes love you bye

Through All This Together -Bojan CvjetićaninWhere stories live. Discover now