Sugar Magnolia

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First person pov

5 years later

'It has been five years since I came to this world, and I have been enjoying it here. Though it's just a matter of time before Dio gets here and ruins everything. I wonder how he will react to me being here. He'll probably try to ruin my life as well, but I'll be prepared for him and his games.' I was brought of my thoughts as Jojo burst through the door with Danny with a goofy grin on his face and eyes glinting in mischief. 'He probably has something he up his sleeve.' Then I looked to Danny it had only been a few weeks since he and Danny became friends and I had to watch in horror as your brother was both bitten AND as he almost drowned in the river.

Shaking my head to clear myself of my thoughts, I beckoned Jonathan to come closer, who once given permission, tackled me into a hug, almost pushing off the bed. ''Big sis! Come outside. I wanna show you something! It's really cool and you're smart so maybe you could tell me what it is! " he said so fast that l almost didn't catch it. But the part about me being smart was true since I did retain all of my memories from my past life, and I was naturally smart, and it wasn't a surprise when George had given me questions of those in the twelfth grade. But it was amusing when he was shocked after I gave him back the question paper because I had gotten everything correct with no mistakes whatsoever with a very neat handwriting, well as neat as that of a five year old could be.

Turning my gaze to Jonathan ,I pried him off me and fixed my dress." Jojo, what did you want to tell me about that's so important you had to kick down my door." I say slightly annoyed. "Sorry, I did mean to do it ,I was just so excited to show you, but I can't tell you since it's a surprise. So please come with me." He said with the cutest puppy dog eyes." Fine, only for a little bit, then we come back home, alright?" I told him with a stern yet soft voice." Yay! Alright! Thank you!" He chirped happily. It reminded me of Holly, and I did imagine it in her voice.

The both of us made our way out of the seemingly where Jonathan saw the 'special thing'. As the place grows nearer, I can't help but feel as if something weird is going to happen or something bad. When we made it to the place which was outside the forest, Jonathan went into the bushes, and what he came back with made my blood run cold. It was an arrow with the outer part silver, interior brown in colour. It had gold designs all over it and a hole that had two semi circles connected together with two lines that are slanted forward. I had never thought that I would have found a stand arrow this early, but it seems fate has other plans.

"Jojo, put that down. You could get hurt if you're not careful." I said, afraid that he might get pierced by the arrow and get a stand, something that I do not want to happen or ever. It's best to keep him out of this for as long as I can rather than get him into a life that could get him killed. But it also made me think of Dio, how will he react to me being here. Will he try to kill me as well? Only time will tell." But sis, that won't we'll be fine. I promise. Now let's go tell father about this. I'm sure he'll be interested." He said excitedly. Sighing defeatedly, I reluctantly agreed, knowing this could get us into trouble sooner or later, but nothing bad could happen now, right?

Just as we were about to head home, we heard a rather deep voice behind us, and we both stood still frozen in fear." Well, would you look at that? Two small children ripe for the picking and their nobles? Their parents will probably pay a fortune to have 'em back. Hehehe." Slowly, Jonathan and I turned our heads to the person that spoke. It was a man with short brown hair, blue eyes that held ill intentions, a white button-up shirt with some holes in it, black pants with the cloth looking like it had seen better days, black shoes clearly one size too small for his feet.

I quickly hid the stand arrow behind my back, away from his gaze. This shouldn't be left in the wrong hands. "So, what are you two doing here. Don't you know it's dangerous to be alone out here. You should come with me. I'll take you back home." He said, trying to fake concern, but we saw right through him. Gripping the arrow tightly, I answered, still very cautious of him. "W-well, sir, we were just exploring. We'll be on our way now. Good day." I said with a shakey voice, scared beyond belief. This man was going to kidnap us, I knew we had to run now. But of course Jojo, ever the gentlemen, was about to question why I would refuse this kind man's offer to accompany us. Before he could even open his mouth, I held his hand and squeezed it, a silent indication that this man was dangerous. It was one of the signals that we had made as a way to pass on messages to each other. This one meant that if there is danger to run now.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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