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"Alright, that's the last of it. Let's get these jumpers back to base. Let Weir know we'll be back after dinner." Colonel John Sheppard sneered at the last word. He really wasn't in the mood for diplomatic relations. They'd spent all day loading crates of food and supplies into three jumpers, but their trading partner had insisted that the team stay and celebrate their new friendship. They needed good trading partners out here, and John couldn't risk burning this bridge. Teyla and Elizabeth had spent the last two months developing a friendship with the leaders of this planet to get this load of supplies, and they'd have his head if he ruined it with his lack of people skills.

"Shall we?" Teyla's voice floated over John's shoulder as the last jumper pulled away toward the gate.

"Let's get this over with." John turned and strode toward his team.

"Well, I for one am looking forward to a nice hot meal. It will be a hot meal, right?" Rodney McKay rambled as they headed for the village center.

"Friends!" The planet's leader, Marin, strode toward them, arms spread wide in greeting. Their new partner was a tall man, nearly Ronon's size, and a fair bit overweight, though not lacking in muscle. His role as leader had clearly taken him away from the battlefield for some time, but he'd not lost his strength. His personal guards, Feo and Justus, flanked him. "It is good to see you. You are pleased with your share of the crops?"

"It is a very generous portion, Marin. Thank you," Teyla spoke up, bowing her head to him in appreciation.

Marin laughed heartily and wrapped an arm around John's shoulders. "Excellent. Come. We've much to celebrate!"

"Well, it's just a simple trading partnership. I don't know that there's much to celebrate when all we're offering is military assistance." John didn't understand why this man was so jovial. It was a good agreement, one that benefited both parties with minimal sacrifice on either side, but it didn't seem like much to him.

Justus spoke up from the other side of Ronon. "You've not heard? We've captured the assassin Marin's brother sent after him."

"Assassin?" Ronon spoke in surprise.

"And Marin sent the Wraith after his brother. His rule is secure." Feo spoke with a wicked grin on his face.

"Yes, our partnership shall be assured for many years!" Marin laughed again, steering them into a large dining hall. "To our new friends! Let's eat!"

Cheers erupted from the hall, making John smile tightly in discomfort. He glanced at his team. Rodney was already eyeing the tables full of food, Teyla smiled demurely at the crowd, and Ronon was watching Marin and Feo.

As they ate their fill, Ronon continued watching Marin. "Did you know Marin had a brother? Or a target on his back?"

John glanced up at the sound of Ronon speaking beneath the buzz of the crowded hall. Ronon's eyes were locked on John's. He shook his head. "No. You think it's suspicious?"

"You don't?"

John raised an eyebrow at Ronon before glancing over his shoulder at Marin. He hummed in response and was about to speak when Marin's voice boomed over the expansive room, standing above the crowd on a table.

"Tonight, we celebrate. Our friends..." He raised a glass toward Sheppard. "And our freedom!" The crowd roared and laughter erupted around the room as Marin stepped down from his perch, striding toward John and Ronon purposefully. "Come, we men shall continue the celebrations in privacy while the women chatter. And I've a special prize for you as our honored guests."

"Will there be more food involved?" Rodney spoke up, grabbing another roll from the center of the table.

"There are more appetites than just food to satiate." Rodney choked on his food, and Marin laughed as Ronon pounded Rodney's back to help clear his throat.

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