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"Where are they?!" Jules shouted desperately as she pushed into the control room.

Elizabeth Weir gave Jules a reprimanding look as she answered, "The Genii are holding them hostage for a naquada generator. But we're negotiating with them to-"

"You can't negotiate with these assholes. We need to send a team-"

"We need to take our time. If we rush in there guns blazing-"

"We can ambush them and have AR-1 home before dinner."

"And have an even greater enemy in the Genii."

Jules paused. "What if we give them what they want?"

"Excuse me?"

"Give them a generator. But blow it up once AR-1 is-"

"Absolutely not."

Jules's jaw ticked in irritation. "Colonel Shepherd wouldn't hesitate to do what ever it takes to bring his people home. We do the same for him."

Elizabeth stared at Jules. "Captain, you are not prepared for an off-world mission and you are not part of the decision-making team for this expedition. I am not having this conversation with you. You're dismissed."

Jules fisted her hands and glared at Elizabeth before spinning on her heels and storming out.


Teyla was sure John's jaw would snap with the way he was clenching it in anger. The Genii had cornered them on a planet occupied by friends of the Athosians, taking them hostage and threatening death if they didn't receive a naqada generator or ZPM in the next few hours. It seemed they had a crew on a mission to destroy a nearby hive ship and it had broken down. They needed a bigger power source - whether to fix the ship or blow up the hive, they didn't care. They just needed a power source.

Now AR-1 was chained to the wall in a cell on a Genii ship and none of them had figured out a way to get out. Without a ship of their own-

Chains rattled as Ronon sucked in a breath and muttered, "This is bad."

Teyla glanced at Ronon, his face a grimace, nostrils flaring in irritation. "What is it?"

"Jules," he muttered.

"Here?!" Rodney asked in surprise.

"Is she alone?" Sheppard asked.

Ronon shrugged. The only thing he could feel was Jules and her determination.

Kolya stormed into the room. "Well, it seems your Dr. Weir may be willing to negotiate after all. She sent some guests on a puddle jumper to discuss your release and some terms. As a show of good faith, I'm to return one of you to Atlantis. Who shall it be?"

All eyes turned to Rodney. "Get out of here," Sheppard nodded.

Two guards moved forward and grabbed McKay by the arms, hauling him to his feet and out the door. He risked one glance over his shoulder at his still-bound teammates and swallowed hard, hoping they'd make it out of this alive.

He was shoved through a doorway into the arms of a ragtag group of AR-2 and AR-3 members before he was released. He rubbed his wrists as one of the AR-3 members - he was never good with names - lead him to the door of a puddle jumper inside a hangar.

"Have a seat and relax. This could take a while," the soldier said with a sigh before striding back down the jumper ramp.

"Great. Just great. They probably didn't bring any snacks either."


Rodney spun, screaming at the sound of the voice behind him and the hand suddenly beside his face. "Jules? What-"

Shifting Shadows - R. DexWhere stories live. Discover now