Safe and Sound

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It was just like any other day. But on this particular day, it happened to be snowing. Although the snow was... inside?

Why was it snowing inside? There weren't any open windows, and the ceiling that was bewitched to look like the sky was almost perfectly clear, a few light clouds stood in random spots. Now why on earth was it snowing?

She turned to her left, and had found the source of the indoor snow.

"Stop it Ron! You're making it snow." Hermione called out to the redhead sitting beside her. He had been staring at Lavender Brown's general direction, who had been staring back at Ron for most of the time they had been sitting in the Great Hall. The look on Lavender's face was a nasty one. There wasn't a single shimmer in her eyes, her eyebrows were bent, and her lips scrunched into a frown. It couldn't be mistaken as anything other than a death stare.

Weirdly enough, it brought a smile to Hermione's face.

Ron and Lavender's 'relationship' if you could call it that, was quite difficult to endure. Hermione couldn't bear seeing the two of them together. Whether it be seeing them snog (sometimes she wishes she was in Lavender's shoes), holding hands, or sitting extremely close to one another, Hermione could not stand any of it. She would always excuse herself to go to the lavatory anytime she saw them close together. Fortunately for Hermione, she does not have to worry about that anymore. By some miracle, Ron had broken up with Lavender in the hospital wing after he was poisoned. Who poisoned him? Hermione didn't know.

Luckily it didn't kill him. He was saved by Harry with a bezoar. He had to stay in the hospital wing for the night, and Hermione made sure she was by his side at all times in case Lavender would turn up again. Hermione swore that if Lavender were to even breathe the same air as Ron again, she would pay.

"Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again." Ron asked. Hermione thought for a moment. "Well, she came to visit you in the hospital," she started. "And you talked." Ron looked at her with slight confusion. "I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation." She said. "Don't get me wrong. I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. It's just she seems..." Ron trailed off. "..a bit put out." His eyes pointed to Lavender's direction. Both Hermione and Harry looked the same way. Lavender wore the same exact expression as she did just a minute ago. "Does, doesn't she?" Hermione remarked. "And you say you don't remember anything from that night? Not one thing?" She asked. Ron looked up, thinking. His eyes then returned to Hermione's. "Well... there is.. something." He said, Hermione's eyes glittered, waiting for Ron to say exactly what she wanted to hear. "But no. It can't be. Besides, I was completely boggled, wasn't I?" Ron said with a laugh. "Right. Boggled..." Hermione frowned. That wasn't what she expected to hear. She thought he would at least remember her standing there with him while he rested. Him calling her name in his sleep... but he did not. At least Lavender was out of the picture, for now...

Hermione slumped in her seat. Suddenly, her posture shifted at the sound of a group of girls walking into the Great Hall. One particular girl who stood in front was Katie Bell. She had been cursed the other day by touching a cursed necklace she was asked to deliver to Professor Dumbledore. Harry accused Draco of cursing her, but his accusations were shut down immediately. He's been awfully obsessed with him, always going on and on about all the weird stuff he's seen Draco do, or whatever Harry thinks is 'weird'. Hermione thinks he's just being dramatic and paranoid. Sure, Draco's a pretty weird guy, not to mention a complete tool, but there's way more important things he should be worried about in her opinion.

"Harry." She whispered to Harry. "That's Katie." She subtly pointed towards Katie, showing Harry that she's back and all better. "Katie Bell." Harry turned around and saw her and immediately got up out of his seat, book in hand (Harry's been carrying around his Advanced Potion Making book with him every single day), and walked up to her and started talking to her. After that, Hermione resumed her attention to the boy next to her.

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