Super Shy -Haerin

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You entered the classroom, the usual sea of faces familiar and comforting.
As you strolled towards your desk, Eunchae, your ever-energetic friend, appeared with a cheerful, "Good morning!"

"Morning," you replied, the words escaping your lips with a touch of reserve.

You continued your path, Eunchae's voice becoming a distant hum as she animatedly shared news.

With a sudden burst of excitement, she exclaimed, "A new transfer is coming today!"

"Why do I care?" you interjected, your tone edged with an unexpected coldness. A question that lingered in the air, even for yourself.

Yes, why did you care? But now, in retrospect, it all seemed so clear. The arrival of that transfer student would change everything.

From the moment your eyes met, you were captivated. It was the kind of instant connection they write about in novels – love at first sight, they say.

Kang Haerin, her name etched in your mind like a cherished secret.


Eunchae's eyes widened in astonishment as she spotted Haerin from a distance.

"You like her!?" she exclaimed, disbelief painting her face.

You responded with an almost childlike nod, a sheepish smile spreading across your features.

"Our Y/n likes someone!?" Eunchae blurted out, her voice a mixture of surprise and amusement.

Her shock was genuine, and in that moment, you wished you could possess even an ounce of her boldness.

"Don't act! Now help me talk to her. I'm super shy!" you implored, desperation dancing in your eyes.

Eunchae scoffed, her playful eyes fixing you with an amused glare.

"Super shy, my ass! Talk to her on your own." She playfully side-eyed you, a glint of mischief dancing in her gaze.

"I hate you, you know!" you teased, a playful grin tugging at your lips.

"Yeah. I hate you more!" Eunchae shot back, the two of you engaging in your familiar banter.

"Eun, please! I'll treat you if you help me talk to her!" you pleaded, a hint of mischief sparkling in your eyes.

"I never imagined Y/n would beg me to do that. Whatever you begged, I'll do it!" Eunchae declared with a grin, sealing the deal with a playful nudge.


The library, a sanctuary of knowledge and potential encounters.

Eunchae had whispered that Haerin often sought solace here, amidst the pages of countless worlds.

"Um, hey..." you tentatively called out to Haerin, her eyes lifting from the book she held in her hands.

"Hi," she greeted, her voice soft and inviting, a gentle melody that eased your racing heart.

You approached the library, the scent of aged paper mingling with anticipation.

Eunchae's advice echoed in your mind – Haerin's fondness for this haven.

"Can I sit here?" you asked, the words slipping out with a touch of nervousness.

"Yes, of course," Haerin responded, her smile warm and reassuring. You settled into the seat, heart pounding in your chest.

"Now, what am I going to do?" you pondered, your mind racing.

Conversations had never been your forte, and now, in the presence of this captivating soul, you felt utterly unequipped.

Silence settled between you, thick and weighted, leaving you grappling for words that seemed to elude you.

Then, a message blinked on your phone screen, rescuing you from the suffocating stillness.

It was Eunchae, an observer from a distant table, her message a lifeline.

Eunchae: Talk to her, bitch!

You: I don't know what to say.

Eunchae: Y/n, you're a loser. Talk to her like you do to other people.

You: T-T T-T.

You raised your eyes and found Haerin immersed in her book.

Should you disturb her?

Would she find your presence intrusive?

"Fuck, what should I do!?" you thought, the weight of uncertainty bearing down on you.

"Um, hey," you finally mustered, your voice a gentle breeze that brushed against Haerin's ears.

She looked up, and for a fleeting moment, her cat-like eyes met yours. You gulped, your heart pounding in your chest.

"You're Kang Haerin, aren't you?" you stammered, mentally chastising yourself for such a mundane question.

"Yes," she replied, her voice soft yet certain, like a secret shared.

"Hi, I am—" you began, but she gently cut you off, a smile playing on her lips.

"I know who you are," she said, her eyes holding a glimmer of recognition.

A pause hung in the air, a silence that begged to be filled.

You searched for words, for a bridge to cross the divide.

"Do you like to read books?" you asked, a lifeline extended into the unknown.

"Yes, I do. And you?" she inquired, her curiosity a balm to your unease.

"Um, I do now," you confessed, stumbling over your words.

"I mean, I like too."

Her smile was like a sunrise, warming the depths of your soul.

"I like your smile. You should do it more; it's cute," you said, the words slipping from your lips with a boldness that surprised even you.

Her cheeks tinged with a soft blush, and you couldn't help but marvel at the sight.

You were indeed digging yourself into a hole, but at that moment, it was a hole you gladly embraced.

"You too," she suddenly said, her words a whisper that hung in the air, leaving you momentarily breathless.

"Huh?" you asked, tilting your head in confusion.

"I mean, you're cute too," she clarified, her gaze steady, her sincerity a beacon of warmth in the otherwise quiet room.

Your cheeks flamed, and you mumbled a soft, "Thanks," averting your gaze in a mixture of bashfulness and gratitude.

"You look even cuter when you're shy," she confessed, her voice like a gentle breeze, carrying with it a promise of something new and fragile.

"Should I be like that more?" you asked, a playful glint in your eye, a daring challenge to an unspoken promise.

She nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Then okay, I'll be shy. Only for you and only with you," you vowed, the words leaving you in a hushed rush, the weight of them settling between you like a shared secret.

In that moment, you knew that this chance encounter held the promise of something extraordinary.

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