Titanic Introductions!

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A/N Hello everyone who has read this story's previous chapter! I hope you all are well and prepared for this chapter! It will be Izuku meeting the King of the Monsters as well as Queen of the Monsters in the same room! They will be watching as Izuku comes out of his egg as in the world for them it has been about 5 months since Izuku became placed within the egg and entered the rite of reincarnation! Let's begin the chapter and enjoy this unholy creation!

Godzilla and Mothra watched over the egg as they were preparing for the arrival of their new Goji pup, and they were over the moon over it. They had been collecting tons upon tons of radiation in order to feed it before the child would come out after the rite of reincarnation. During the first month both parents have been getting weird dreams about their pup's life before becoming a Titan and now they wanted to murder this person named Kacchan. In these dreams they were like more memories of their pup as a human than anything else, they were surprised when they found out that his peers didn't do a thing for when it came to treating him well. They knew that their pup needed all the attention they could get before entering that school he talked about with his mother in these dreams, but that would require a few more months of training to be completed as soon as his egg hatched. It was near the fifth month that Goji and Mothra were getting antsy about why the egg wasn't hatching, thoughts about whether they accidentally crushed the life form inside the egg crossed their minds many times... that was until the egg flaps opened up on top. As they watched as a small Gojira was climbing out of the egg, they cooed at how it crawled on all fours like a lizard. It then looked around itself as if trying to figure out what was going on before seemingly noticing their presence and looking up. It was a surprise to be sure when they saw the dark marks covering his cheeks as if they were freckles, as well as the piercing jade eyes staring into their blue as well as Mothra's blue eyes as well. Moving his face downward, Godzilla placed his maw near the baby's maw as he connected to the child on a telepathic level. "Oh my god, what happened to me!? I can't believe that I look like you! Do I call you dad, and mom what do I do!?" The little Gojira's mind scrambled to think as it thought it was thinking to itself. Godzilla and Mothra chuckled in their grunts and soft roars as the little Gojira startled and looked up at them. "You can call us anything you want pup. You are our child now, a child of Mother Earth." Godzilla said, as Mothra looked down at the little Gojira. "Goji was correct in his little assumption about what you would do as soon as awakening." Mothra giggled, as the little Gojira looked up. "W-Who are y-you?" He asked, his little tail wagging all the while. "My name is Mothra, but the Japanese people of Monarch call me Mosura. Nice to meet you Izuku." Mothra said, as she stared at Izuku before transforming into a humanoid form. Godzilla did the same as Izuku followed suit as they became their human counterparts, Godzilla looking like an Olympian God who was ready for battle, as Mothra looked as if she was a Goddess of Greece. Mothra's human form had long blonde, white hair that extended to her upper back as her fluff from her moth form had centered itself around her chest and lower neck. Her eyes were an orange-black color for her pupils as they showed her moth form in them, looking at Izuku she found that his form looked similar to Godzilla's except for the missing blade as well as her eyes of what he looked like as a Titan. "Nice to formally meet you Izuku Midoriya. I am Mothra, Queen of the Monsters." Mothra said, introducing herself. Izuku looked completely confused as he then bowed to her as she giggled at his formality. "Don't do that little pup, you will be the heir to the throne as the next in line to become Godzilla." Goji said, as he huffed. Izuku looked at them before feeling something growing out of his back and looked to see that his form had large spines like a stegosaurus and his tail had the coloring as well as some fluff from his Titan mother. As he stared at his surroundings now, he noticed that there was a skeleton nearby that seemed similar to an old enemy of Godzilla. "I-Is that... Anguirus?" Izuku asked, pointing at the skeleton. "Nope, that was his far distant relative though. It was Ankyloguirus." Godzilla said, ruffling Izuku's now more fluffy hair. "You wish to become a Hero correct son?" Godzilla asked, incredibly serious. "Yes, more than anything. But even after All Might stopped that dream from becoming true with his words... I still wish to become one. Even if it is as an Underground Hero." Izuku said, as Mothra stated something. "You know with your appearance; you could be mistaken as a mutated human being with a quirk. You can breathe atomic rays like your father and have the power over electricity like Ghidorah. But most importantly, you could reincarnate yourself should your old form which is what you are now and transform into your Titan self." Mothra said, as she let Izuku think about this. "Wait... so you mean that I am effectively Immortal?" Izuku asked, as Mothra looked at him. "Not exactly. Should your egg if you lay one nearby be destroyed... you will die but it will take almost a hundred years before you could reincarnate with your powers." Mothra said, as Izuku nodded his head. "We will be getting you to learn how to fight with your titan form as well as human form to be completely prepared for your first year as a Hero Student. But above all else, you will need to hold yourself back in order to make sure that you don't kill anyone on accident. This training you will be doing will increase your base power and strength with your current abilities and bring them higher than ever." Godzilla said, as Izuku nodded. "I need to get stronger so that I can become a Hero for everyone. I will bring smiles to people's faces... just like All Might did. But I won't tell someone that their dreams are unattainable or tell them to be realistic. I will encourage them to become Heroes even if the people around them tell them not to." Izuku declared as Godzilla got into a fighting stance. "Then get prepared for 5 months of pure torture, because by the end of these five months... you will be as strong as I was at your age when I was in the Hollow Earth battling for Supremacy against the Kongs." Godzilla said, rushing his son. 

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