Battle Training!

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A/N Hello everyone! Thank you all for the attention that this story has been getting. The simple fact that you all got this story up to 68 reads within the few hours that this story was updated was extremely surprising to me. So I will be increasing the amount needed for another chapter for your viewing pleasure. So that will be revealed at the end of the chapter, so keep an eye out for it and enjoy this fucked up training session for Class 1-A.

Izuku woke up from his encounter with Kacchan with a massive migraine, he was nearly at the end of elementary school in the final year. He had been trying to get the boy to stop attacking others in favor of attacking him instead, he had always wanted to be a Hero since he learned about them as a four-year-old. He was on his way home after a particularly bad beating from the explosive boy as he rubbed his arm in slight pain as a burning sensation was pounding his arm and his blood was rushing to his head. He had been hit with an explosion to the head and his brain was still rattling from the experience and had gifted him with a migraine for it. He had done nothing wrong, but apparently just walking in the same hallway as Kacchan had been enough of a wrong for the boy to outright attack in front of teachers. Izuku couldn't trust teachers anymore after that day, he just couldn't trust in them being capable of stopping a fight when it should happen. Izuku had seen Kacchan threaten the teachers with excessive force that the teachers just learned to just accept when they wouldn't allow the quirkless child to do anything else. Izuku was on his way back home when he heard the telltale signs of an explosion coming for him from behind and he tried to dodge the attack as fast as possible. But with the legs of a 9-year-old it was kind of hard. But he had managed to dodge each attack as the other boy was glaring at him with a fury that was on top of the world. "WHAT THE FUCK DID I TELL YOU ABOUT DODGING MY ATTACKS DEKU!" The boy screamed at his face. "K-Kacchan, c-can you please leave me a-alone today? Y-You'd already attacked m-me already! Y-You made your point!" Izuku said, screaming back at the boy. Apparently, that wasn't the right choice of words as the young bomber had launched at him once more and had landed more blows to his chest as well as lower legs. He jumped onto Izuku's 9-year-old frame as he held the boy down with just his weight alone since Izuku hadn't really spent all that much time to training his body physically. That was when Izuku felt a burning sensation on his lower thigh as well as rear and Izuku yelped in pain as the burning sensation was massive. 


Izuku woke up staring at the sky as his old burns on his left thigh and right cheek on his rear started to flare up in pain. Standing up from his small bed, he moved about the area within the Radiated entrance to the Hollow earth in order to fully awaken himself from his slumber. He had noticed that he was in his Titan form once again as he shook his head as a familiar voice in his head started to speak. 

'You should tell dad and mom about your nightmares. They're becoming too much to bear!' A feminine voice called out. "I know, but I can't let them know. They'll try and find Kacchan and attempt to kill him." Izuku said, as the feminine voice spoke once more. 'I know that you want the best for that boy, but maybe you gave your last olive branch to help him. He has wanted nothing more from you than for you to die, is that how a friend talks to others?' The voice asked. "M-Mom, I don't know if I can stop sending out olive branches for him to grab. I-I'm trying my best to be as forgiving as possible. I will continue to do so in order to protect him from himself, if he is left to his own devices for too long Villains will take advantage of his mindset." Izuku said, shaking his head. Tears were brimming at his eyes as he shook his head remembering her voice was nice and all, but it kind of hurt when his mother's voice came out as a voice in his head that was similar to Mothra's thrumming chirps. "I have to go to school, I don't know what we will be doing for that exact class, but I believe that it has something to do with All Might." Izuku said, as he looked at the mirage of his mother as he remembers her best. When he was a four-year-old and was viewing her as the strongest woman in his world. She was tall and skinny, a slim waist as well as a beautiful body, but overall, he just misses how soft her voice was towards him all the time. He entered the Ocean waters of the Pacific as he swam towards the sandy beach of Dagobah Municipal Beach Park as once, he landed he walked over towards the school he went to. When he arrived at the school, he found himself in his seat once more as he started to complete some assignments that were due that day. He knew that he should've done them when he got back home from school, but lately he'd been hearing his mother's voice and it had been distracting him. The classes for school were normal for the second day as they all learned more about English, Science, Modern Art History, and many others. Once it reached the class for Hero Informatics, the class was brimming with excitement, and Izuku was more mellow about it, he just wishes that it wasn't All Might as a teacher for the class. As soon as the massive man entered the class and started talking about a Battle Training exercise, Izuku knew that Bakugo was going to see if he could fight him just to beat him down again. 

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