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I looked at myself in the mirror as my sister (Anita) zipped my dress. "te ves tan hermosa!" She smiled as she hugged me. "Thanks" I smiled as I looked at myself, "you don't want to go" she said to me "can you blame me? I'm not a fan of crowds" I said to her. "Listen, Maria is feeling the same as you. So your both going to be in this together" she smiled "yeah but she has a date and I don't" I said to her "well if things get bad then you can always leave early" she said as she went to see how Maria was doing. I was in a (F/C) dress and my hair was (your favourite hairstyle) then I heard a knock on the door. It was Bernardo and Chino. It was time to leave for the dance.

We walked through the corridors and into the gym and it was full of Jets. I have a good streak going. It's a "days without communication with the Jets" thing. So I've never talked to one before and I'm intending to keep it that way. Bernardo describes them as annoying, self absorbed bastereds and since I've never had a conversation with one I have no choice but to take his word for it. Then Bernardo and Anita went towards the dancefloor and began showing off. I watched as the room split into two and the Jets and the sharks began competing. I rolled my eyes at the sight and just stared ag the door contemplating leaving. But then I heard shouting. Suprise suprise they were on the verge of a fight. But then a few police whistles later we were getting a lecture. But then "Alright! Alright! Tonight is a social experiment and you all are the guinni pigs be nice to eachother, give us some hope just for a little bit then you can revert back to your true feral selves. Now boys get into a big circle facing in and girl get into a small circle on the inside facing out." Before I could even try and escape Bernardo was the first to walk out. Then Anita grabbed my wrist and we walked out. I was very uncomfortable. Then a guy with brown hair and a blue shirt and jacket walked out.  And so did a pretty blond girl. He looked at me and winked with a flirtatious smirk. I rolled my eyes and watched as everyone was walking into the circle. 

It was basically musical statues expet when the music stopped we had to dance with whoever was front of us. The music started and girls walked left and boys walked right. I began walking along with everyone else. Then the music stopped. I looked at Anita and she was with Bernardo. I then looked to see who I was dancing with. It was that guy with the blue shirt and jacket. The one who was with that blond girl.  He smirked at me and I looked at Anita who was very angry that I was dancing with him. I didn't even know him so I was clueless! Then the music started, he grabbed my hand and we began dancing, be activated wasn't to bad! He was spinning me and lifting me and I was actually having more fun then I thought! "Your not bad, for a Jet" I smiled as we danced. "I could say the same doll" he smirked as he spun me around again "I have a name" I said as we continued dancing "so do I" he continued, then he ran because someone walked in. I walked back towards Anita "That was the leader of the Jets. The enemy!" She whispered sharply. "What?" I whispered as I saw him over excitedly smiling at a guy that walked in.

I stood at the back of the sharks dancing but then the guy from earlier tried walking over but got stopped by some other guys. I decided to go home after the encounter. I was tired and needed to process that I had just danced with Bernardo's enemy. I was outside when someone ran up beside me. It was him. "Heya Doll" he smirked "I told you I have a name" I sighed "and you never told me" he smirked "it's Y/N" i said as I sped up. "Why are you speeding away from me? Remember that dance back there?" He asked "yeah but I shouldn't be talking to you" I said as I continued moving. "Yeah but I have a thing against rules" he said as he grabbed my hand causing me to stop and turn around. "I never told ya my name" he said as he let go of my hand. "I'm Riff" he said with a wink. 'who names there kid Riff?' I thought to myself. "Okay Riff, well I need to go before Bernardo walks out and sees us. I'll see you" I said as I speed walked away. Listen he was cute but I hate the fighting! And if Bernardo and Anita left and we were still talking world war three would happen.

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