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It was the morning after, I was working at my bakery when Anita came in "mañana mi hermana favorita" she grinned "Anita soy tu única hermana" I sighed, "I know that look what do you want?" I asked "I need to go to the market and I was hoping you'd come with me?" She asked. I thought for a minute "well I need to get more ingredients so sure" I said as I put the closed sign up.

We walked into the market and Anita ran around looking for what she needed and once I got what I needed and I said goodbye to her and headed to the bakery. I decided to go through the alley, it wasn't a direct path to the bakery but it's a short cut. I walked through the Alley until I had to turn a corner. I was about to turn when I froze and pressed myself up against the wall. It was Jet voices. Me being a relative of Shark means I'll probably be in danger. So I stayed dead silent and prayed that they didn't walk around the corner. They talked a bit about a brawl they were planning. It was in the old salt shed. Apparently after Riff had talked to me last night he had gone back and had planned a brawl with Bernardo. "We should bring knives" a voice said "nah to far" a familiar voice said. "C'mon Riff, they're going to bring them. We both know that!" Another continued, "yeah but that girl he was dancing with would be heartbroken" one mocked "oh yeah, Riff and his shark girlfriend" another laughed. Then I heard a slap. "Knock it off" Riff said slightly annoyed. I was dead silent. Until I moved my foot slightly and it made a little noise. "We'll meet up and discuss this later, besides we've gone off topic. I'll see yous tonight" he said as I heard people walking away. I waited until it was silent before I looked out. Riff was gone aswell I stepped out and before I could continue moving I felt two hands on my wrists and I got shoved against the wall! "Well if it ain't an eavesdropping shark" a familiar face smirked at me. "Uh-" "wait your that doll from last night" he smirked "I told you my name" I said to him "and I'm choosing not to use it" he said as his face got closer to mind. "now then why were we listening in" he asked "I wasn't-" "don't lie to me" he said as he looked me dead in the eyes squeezing my wrists. I sighed " fine. I was going back to my bakery and I didn't want to get beaten or worse so I decided to wait for the group to leave and I kinda just listened in" I said "see wasn't so hard" he said as he let go. "Great now you've interigated me can I go now?" I asked "for a Porto Ricen chic you don't speak a lot of Spanish" he smirked "I'm trying to get used to this language- wait are you trying to distract me so I won't leave?" I asked "am I making it obvious?" He asked "very" I said as I tried walking away but this guy doesn't give up. "listen doll I just wanna get to know ya" he said as I sped up. "Good for you" I said as I turned the corner and walked into my bakery. "Don't walk away on me" he said as he walked backwards to try and talk to me. "You pinned me against the wall and interigated me. Goodbye" I said as I sped up. I was safe when I got back into the bakery. Mainly because of Anita. When I got in I closed ten blinds and hid behind the counter for five minutes. I was safe for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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