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Authors note good luck enduring my awful writing style There will be flaws in the lore, so please point those out. I do not own the light novel nor the manga. Some of this will be original.

Race weeping angel
Karma neutral 0
Level 100
Name Seneschal
Timeline starts 5 minutes until servers to Yggdrasil close down

Shit, shit I gotta say goodbye to Momonga stupid job keeping me late, although I wonder if this is a waste of time, it doesn't matter it's the thought that matters. Sitting in my
NeuralNet chair and putting on my visor (correct me if I'm wrong)
I logged into Yggdrasil for the final time

Where did I log out last time oh I remember the entrance to a boss arena. Dang it I won't be able to teleport back to nazarick until I defeat the boss *sigh* I guess I'll have to message Momonga instead

How's it hanging Momonga.
Wow! didn't expect you to be on Seneschal.
Yea would've been on sooner if it wasn't for my job am are we the only one online?
Yes, herohero just left where are you?
Oh! damn it, I missed him and having a fist fight with the king of giants.
Boss fighting one last time, a fitting end unlike myself.
Don't be like that Momonga you'll move on. You're still young, unlike myself, but what did you do.
Thanks, Seneschal and I modified Albedo lore.
Lol for real, did you write she loves Momonga or something?
*sigh* I did only 10 seconds left.
Aye you've got my contact information if you ever need me and victory haha new record.

5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3

*Click* Hmmmm I've been disconnected from Momonga but why am I able to move the server should be down what the fuck is going on where the fuck am I I was on a snowy mountain now I'm in an uh what do you call it, it's not a desert ah games would badlands probably, but those usually have hills uh badplains maybe dunno they're called

Checking for enemies hmmm Don't see any ah never mind, I stand corrected undead weak zombies at that how pathetic they hold no value apart from being test dummies

Since they hadn't noticed, Seneschal went in for the kill, instantly killing the zombies
I see my movement is a bit off much more freedom than before and the zombie blood is much more realistic than before. Could I be in an isekai like those ancient manga *Pfft* oh this is rich one downside I'm still a weeping angel I doubt any race will like me they'll most likely attack me, so it's best to avoid them?

Hmmmm what to do first check to see if Momonga was transported with me, I'll need a map of the land to hasten the search nazarick was located in the Swamp so that's my goal, it's a shame I don't possess any of my equipment or items I had left them in nazarick because I wanted to play Yggdrasil in hard mode

Ah! what a foolish decision that would turn out to be

The clay cracked underneath her feet. The weight of her stone body was immense compared to a normal human. It was odd to say the least. This wasn't Yggdrasil nor was it earth a brand-new world. How interesting she was being optimistic about this
Compared to her original life working at a warehouse this was a breath of fresh air even if it was probably a dream but one can hope

She just walked in one direction. Seneschal realized she didn't need to worry about normal bodily functions nor weather conditions, which is a blessing but predictable due to the circumstances.

Humans six humans, four vanguards, one archer and a mage shit I stand out like a sore thumb compared to the undead that they're fighting flee, observe or kill and loot the bodies decisions decisions are they also players hiding their strength if so, this might be Dangerous

(=_=) [+_+] (×_×) [*.*]

Mercenaries POV
Damn these undead, the mage yelled angrily.
We have to hurry up, I see an unknown creature approaching us, the archer said.
Well, what kind of creature one of the vanguard yelled?
Some sort of golem, it doesn't move when I'm looking at it but every time I look away or blink it gets closer the archer yelled back worryingly
Then Don't take your eyes from it the vanguard yelled back.


The mage whipped around to see his friend dangling off the ground, his neck bent at an unnatural angle. His killer was a stone angel. its face was truly a thing of nightmares
But he wasn't even able to scream. The angel was gripping his neck gasping for breath was the last thing the mage did

We need support damn it hurry up you lousy mage the vanguard captain took a glance back only to find them dead in the arms of a angel. This distracted him enough that the undead overwhelmed him
With the loss of three of their colleagues, the remaining three were quickly killed off one by the Seneschal and the remaining two by undead before Seneschal ripped apart the undead

Seneschal POV
Why did I do that I didn't want to kill them is it some sort of side effect from my race that I based off an old TV show oh that could be a problem. I must be careful about that. At any rate, I placed all of their equipment into my inventory no map unfortunately if I head one direction I should eventually leave this area, but I'm already bored what to do ah

Wait, I got it I'm sorry humans, but I'm going to use your corpses as an experiment raise my weeping angels. Only one of the corpses began turning into stone. The other bodies, including the undead bodies, were absorbed into the fallen mage

Well, that was fascinating. It absorbed 15 bodies in total. What are its stats like
Physical resistance level 3
Magical resistance level 3
Stealth level 2
Assassination level 2
Confusion level 1
Fear level 1
Hand-to-hand level 2
Regeneration level 1
Telepathy level 2
Golem level 4
Angel level 4
Level 25
Race crying angel
Master Seneschal
(Is this good enough or is it too powerful also I'm not too familiar with overlords leveling system so make corrections?) Is this more accurate?
Golem 5
Angel 5
Stalker 5
Tank 5
Assassin 5
1 or 2 which is better?

Crying angel is that some sort of sub variation of weeping angel. Either way, it needs a name. I suppose
come Greyhound
it follows me in complete silence. kind of creepy, but I shouldn't judge my experiment. It could be beneficial I should test out Greyhound against some undead next time I run across some this place is littered with them

The experiment did provide some info the mage body the only one compatible with my magic. the rest were just food for it, I wonder why either way I might need to do it more often to gain more subordinates I like fighting alone, but that was before this situation back then I could always count on Momonga to have my back if necessary, but now I'm truly alone unless you count Greyhound ah a tower perfect

Greyhound go take over that tower, do not chase any enemies that flee from you

('=_=') [!×.×!] (^:^) (*o*)

POV Greyhound
Ahh master is sooo pretty her wings are flawless. I must obey orders do not chase cowards slaughter everything else.

POV Seneschal
Let's see how well Greyhound does its physical and magical defense should be more than sufficient to deal with everything in the tower battle test 1 start she followed Greyhound to judge. Greyhound ripped through the zombies and skeletons with ease, however Seneschal was amused by her creation our race can only show expressions during a hunt and this is Greyhounds first hunt I must admit we should never smile because that's fucking creepy no denying that

Greyhound started struggling on the third and final floor against multiple
skeleton warriors. They were overwhelming Greyhounds' resistance, causing cracks to form. Greyhounds superior level would usually make this a easy fight, but Greyhound had no experience, causing her to lose her advantage
Should I assist no this is Greyhounds time she must prove herself worthy

Greyhound POV
Master is dissatisfied with my performance. I must overcome them.

Instead of defending, she charges through the skeleton warrior's attacks delivering destroying one warrior. Greyhound repeats this action until every warrior is nothing but bone fragments.

Ugh I can't move did they do too much damage to me, Greyhound wondered
Calm down Greyhound you'll naturally recover in a few days. Now rest young one, Seneschal said before everything went dark.

Seneschal POV
Well we now possess a tower. What to do do we make this our base or keep moving

Please let me know if this story is good enough to continue or if the chapters are too short, roughly 1400 words. The Timeline is set a few years before nazarick shows up

Overlords weeping angelWhere stories live. Discover now