chapter 2

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Make corrections, and I'll attempt to fix them. Oh before I forget, have a nice day and go read something good. well you're in the wrong place for that
Oh and 59 reads and 2 votes on the first chapter thank you at the time of posting chapter 2

Arwintar capital of the baharuth empire
Adventures guild

The Guild master's secretary
*sigh* another group of workers have gone silent. That's the fifth group in a month, all of them were equal in terms of abilities to our platinum adventures. The guild master Henderson is going to be pissed when he finds out I better inform him
Guild master it was another failed attempt the secretary said

Oh! for fuck's sake useless all of you the emperor asked us to secure the tower of waste a month ago. Damn it we don't have much time left. If we don't secure it soon I'll lose my head in the grand arena. fuck I'll go myself as a former mithril rank adventure gather any Adventurers available ranked gold and above we can't rely on those useless workers (Mercenaries) anymore

Tower of waste
POV Seneschal
Experiment 5 failed sigh just a stone golem. I guess succeeding five times in a row is difficult. My forces now contain
4 crying angels. Greyhound my first test subject is their leader at level 25. She's also the strongest the other three are level 20 must be the quality of fresh humans Greyhound was formed from 6 fresh humans and 9 undead whilst the other three using 4 fresh humans
and 20 undead

With their creation I might've took things a little too far. I gathered 80 undead and only three fresh humans. The thing is only level 15. What a waste of time. I'm not the best at creating things. most of the others in Ainzu Ūru Goun (that's the romaji for ainz ooal gown) could run circles around me someone who was only good at fighting well not really at player vs. player but raids and soloing bosses that was my style

That didn't matter any more I am alone with, but my creations should I use them like how they did hide them in plain sight ahahaha how evil stalking the city's with my creations only killing when attacked. Yes , that's how I acquired the fresh bodies they keep attacking this rundown tower but back to my plan I need information so using the crying angels as spies is my best option as long as nobody sees their faces they should be fine hmm mm should I wait until I have more of them I should try more combinations to see if I get different results just throwing numerous bodies doesn't seem to work

......have I become evil Seneschal thought I'm sacrificing bodies to create I've become the mad scientist from a manga fuck I don't want to continue this anymore. This isn't a game anymore. I'm slaughtering people for my personal gain. I've become a murderer a piece of trash scum garbage

The weeping angels lament
She curled into a ball her stone wings covered her body her hands over her face and she began weeping uncontrollably

POV Greyhound
Don't worry master I'll take care of everything. We shall leave you to your lament for we know of your suffering even if you don't say anything.

Alright, everyone get into the defensive positions golem you get into the middle to distract any intruders. The rest of us will ambush our prey in the shadows
*crying* enough of that you'll make me start crying too, oh I'm already crying

Clanking could be heard its showtime Greyhound thought
In reality she wasn't prepared for what was to come. The clanking was far louder than the usual

POV guild master Henderson
Gods I hate this place. it's why I retired, but I like my head attached more so here I am with two dozen adventures a
twelve gold(5), eight platinum(4),
four Orichalcum(3), and myself a mithril(2) ranked adventure truly this is overkill, but everyone is nervous the reason we can't see any undead near the tower of waste
We approached the tower expecting resistance but received none, so we entered in the center of the first floor was a golem a single golem couldn't have defeated all those workers this is a trap he hadn't made it to mithril rank by being an idiot rash hot-headed yes but not an idiot

Mages prepare your spells. We need to kill the golem fast before its backup shows up vanguard let's make this quick.

POV Greyhound
Ah golem will be destroyed, and he is aware of a potential ambush. Was it that obvious master was right I lack experience. I wish she would assist us this time, but she's lamenting we must kill those mages first. They pose the greater threat. to golem and my sisters

Telepathically I told the golem to run upstairs
The golem barely fits upstairs, but it manages our enemies are confused by the sudden action of the golem
Come on chase the golem without master. We probably can't win with only force. We are heavily outnumbered.

Third POV (I'm not good at these)
[<>_<>] (@+,+@) [#^.^#]

Guild master Henderson
Damn anyone see anything odd?
Yea a stone angel statue under some rubble over there.
I've been here during one of the empire's wars, there were no statues here then.

Guild master Henderson
Destroy them, they must be a new type of golem.

Telepathically Sisters be ready don't strike immediately

Greyhound lunges at the mages from behind who had followed their vanguard. They were somewhat prepared for an attack from the rear as the oldest mage, who was a Orichalcum adventure, saw through Greyhounds attack and blocked it but underestimated Greyhounds strength who pushed her arm through the mages chest into his chest she swiftly grabbed another mage snapping his neck

Henderson immediately attacked Greyhound. He had already realized who the strongest golem was. He still needed to destroy the golem quickly. There were three more golems that had emerged from underneath the rubble and the one that's upstairs, but who knows how long it'll stay up there
Greyhound found herself struggling against Henderson whose weapon was capable of harming her easily her sisters were having better luck with the weaker foes
Henderson damn this one is tough luckily it lacks a weapon however if manages to grab me I'll probably to killed instantly they're slow and sometimes extremely fast what are the conditions ah I got it their weakness

POV Seneschal
What have I become a monster no a weeping angel trapped just like the originals how were we described humane psychopaths yes that's how the doctor described us no them I'm not a true weeping angel just a copycat from Yggdrasil yes ahhh I hate it I hate myself why couldn't I be normal

Momonga what you do ah no bad choice he liked role playing too much. Maybe Touch me would be a better choice. God that name will always be bad ha you know what I feel a bit better thinking about them. Don't despair. Hmmm why is it so loud my creations only make whilst moving wait are we being attacked

Guild master Henderson
Finally, the last one, give it your all, he said to the survivors. He went into this tower with 24 now only eight are left. He had lost 16 to 5 enemies. It would be worse if this one had joined, but now it's alone we will finish this he thought angrily he had lost his forearm downstairs in exchange for victory

If humans are up here, what happened to my subordinates Seneschal thought were they destroyed because of my lament my weakness I'm pathetic can't even save them, I am alone again for good this time looking upon these humans all of them were wounded, but I simply didn't care they destroyed my subordinates they will die quickly
**Stone Gaze**
Seneschal released a powerful spell that instantly turned the eight humans into statues a painless death she did not destroy the statues but walked downstairs to see
My poor creations they've turned you into rubble I'm ashamed of myself rest in peace you served me well even if it was only for a bit
I could've resurrected you if they hadn't completely destroyed your bodies it's time for me to go before I start weeping once more a whole new world to explore that I can actually explore goodbye Greyhound

She headed south for no particular reason, leaving the bad plains
(Katze plains) and came across a gigantic lake where she would begin weeping again

And that's a wrap. If you kind of enjoyed my awful writing, do leave a vote and I appreciate you wasting your time reading this. Now go read something good
around 1400 words
To be continued

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