Chapter 6 - PREVIEW

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Hate To Love You - Chapter 6 Preview

And we are bbaaaccckkkkkkkk!

What better way to celebrate the publishing of "A Man's World" with a new Chapter of its (eventual sequel) Hate To Love You.

A Man's World (HTLY's prequel) is NOW LIVE on Amazon ebook and Kindle Unlimited ❤️

Paperback coming soon!

eBook & Kindle Unlimited Link: 

Quick moment of self promotion: "A Man's World" was published on Friday and it is NOW LIVE! Thanks to everyone who asked for an advanced reader's copy... Your feedback was amazing!! Due to publishing requirements, those requests are now closed, BUT you can get the eBook on Amazon (and eventually on paperback!)

Follow me on instagram for updates on this story and other F1 stories! @authorgracenewmanNow... without further ado... your preview to Chapter 6! Full chapter out end of week!

"Georgia... I feel like the pre-season debrief can wait until we're back at the office, hmm?"

"Lily, I need you to come to my room, now. Floor 15, room 1568." There was urgency in her voice, urgency and something else, something that sounded like panic.

"... Now as in... now now?"

"See you in five." Before I could protest, Georgia hung up the phone. I looked at the clock - 8:10 a.m., which meant the hallways would be fairly empty. I threw on some clothes and made my way up to Georgia's floor, which was of course much higher up than mine.

No expense spared when it comes to Ferrari and their drivers, I scoffed to myself. The Mercedes F1 team was known for its cost savings when it came to hotels and drivers. Lewis used to always complain that as a 7x World Champion, he was lucky to get a suite when it came to Toto and Mercedes' purse strings.

I headed straight to the room that Georgia had texted me and knocked on the door. It was as if Georgia had been standing there waiting for me, because she opened it on the second knock, causing me to fall forward, only catching myself on the coat rack that had been placed right next to the door.

"Jesus, Georgie..." I grunted, shaking off the small moment of shock as I walked into the room. Seated on the couch was her fiance Carlos Sainz, who just nodded my way as he kept his eyes on the TV, glued to the Real Madrid game going on in the background.

Georgia motioned for me to take a seat, which I obliged as Carlos immediately lowered the volume of the television, finally turning to face me and Georgia. As soon as Carlos looked at me, I felt dread take over my entire body. Carlos was always so happy-go-lucky – likened him to a golden retriever, barely anything got him down, but the solemn nature of his face told me exactly why I was here.

"So is someone going to tell me what is goijng on?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence that had settled between the three of us. I could see that Georgia was trying to find her words.

"So... after the pre-season party last night, what did you do?" Georgia finally asked and I frowned, giving her a pointed look to let her know that I wasn't thrilled with her nosy question.

"Not really any of your business..." I scoffed at my ex-teammate, but I knew my cheeks had gone slightly red. I wasn't sure what she had heard, but I wasn't about to admit that I had slept with her brother last night.

"Well it seems like it IS my business now," Georgia quipped, and I couldn't hide the shock on my face.

"... just fucking spit it out Georgia."

"Lily, I don't care if you and Charles are fucking. I don't care that you and Pierre are fucking. I don't care if you sleep with the whole fucking grid..." Georgia's words started to slice through me.

So she did know that I had slept with her ex-boyfriend Pierre. Guess I wasn't as discreet as I had hoped.

Before I could get a word in, Georgia continued, "... but what I do care about, is your reputation. As only one of two women on the grid, you know what is at stake. I fucking hate that the entire world looks at us under a microscope. The world shouldn't care about who a woman sleeps with, and its none of their business... but that just isn't the case. What we do is and for the forseeable future will be looked at through a looking glass. Am I making any sense to you?"

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