[008] Sex, bombs and sex

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"Did you have sex with Hazel?" Brittany asked, looking over to her bright red friend, who started choking at the question. Once Y/n stopped chocking, with the help of the tall brunette, she looked at her friend in confusion. "What? Why would you ask or even just think that?"

They were sitting at their usual table, not too far away from the table of the two founders of the fight club. Normally, Isabel would be sitting with her two friends as well, but just when lunch started, she grabbed Hazel and dragged her out of the cafeteria to 'have a talk'.

"Because you both always look at each other and blush at the smallest things." Brittany opened her fruit salad cup, eating the pineapple inside first. "Like, I don't know, when you had to fight each other and you pinned her down, you both were totally blushing."

"It got hot from fighting!" The h/c girl tried to explain herself, putting her hands up in defense. "It was your first round, girl." "Look, we did not fuck yesterday, okay? She came over to study." Before the two girls could discuss any further, the sound of the heavy door of the cafeteria swinging aggressively open was heard.

Everyone's heads turned to look in the direction the sound came from. Isabel was walking in an angry but also confident way that only the wavy-haired girl could master. Flyers with the inscription 'It's Gameday' and a picture of Jeff with the words 'get horny!' written underneath flew around when Isabel tossed them out of the hands of two boys who were standing in her way.

"She's walking really fast." Jeff said confused, causing Tim to stop cutting the star player's lunch and look up. The girl kept her strong and intimidating walk, making people rapidly step out of her way. "She usually walks a lot slower."

Hazel was walking behind Isabel, like a small duckling after its mother. She walked slower than the girl in front of her, but she was still close behind her. The Callahan girl's eyes landed on Y/n and she quickly gave her a 'it's-what-you-think-it-is' kind of glance before catching up with the wavy-haired girl.

When Isabel reached Jeff's table, the boy quickly put his hands in front of him, acting as if he wasn't scared of his girlfriend right now.


"Are you having sex with Mrs. Callahan?" Silence. Total silence. Nobody dared to even breathe; all eyes were fixated on the conversation happening between the school's most popular couple. Jeff opened his mouth, but nothing came out for a few seconds before he finally managed to stutter something out.

"Baby, you look so beautiful. Like, so fucking hot. How... how are you?"

"Bad. Are you having sex with her?"

Y/n could hear the nervousness in Jeff's voice as he tried to find an excuse. "I'm... I'm... helping her with her taxes." "Aren't you in eighth grade algebra?" The short-haired brunette suddenly spoke up from behind Isabel.

'Yeah, show him Hazel!' The l/n cheered for her in her head.

The football player let out a nervous chuckle while pointing his finger in the air. "I can't answer that question because I... I don't know how to read."

'He looks way too proud of his answer for him to just be stupid.'

"She's asking you to your face!" "Fuck, that usually works." Jeff muttered to himself.

★𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬★  Hazel CallahanWhere stories live. Discover now