Chapter 2

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So... This is the after life, huh? Just emptiness as far as I can see in a pitch black surrounding, leaving you with nothing to do or see... Or maybe is this one of the ways that god designed to make humans think back on their life? Since you have nothing to focus on, you will inevitably think back on your life, maybe come to terms with your regrets, cry out at the death you experienced, blah blah blah.

...Why does it matter? I died. Plain and simple, and to a girl stabbing me with a knife for damn sake.

...A girl who confessed she loves me...

How pathetic, Hachiman. Freezing like that when she confessed and doing nothing when she stabbed you.

Damn -

All of a sudden, a giant blue eye, reminding me of Kamakura's eyes, appears right in front of me, staring at me and knocking me out from my thoughts, along with a faint chill wrapping around me.

Then before I could do anything, I feel myself falling down, though I keep looking at the giant eye, as if entranced. As I keep falling, the eye becomes smaller until the last thing I see is the eye closing.


"Oww... My head feels like it's going to split itself..." I slowly open my eyes, feeling a headache unlike anything I ever had, while putting my hands on my head. I idly wonder just what the hell did I do to -

"...You're finally awake, Hachiman Hikigaya."

I snap my eyes open then quickly get up to scan where the unknown voice came from, though I soon freeze as my eyes land on who it is.

"...Yukinoshita, why are you in my room?"

I see her raising her eyebrow, "Hikigaya-kun, please check your surroundings first before making an assumption."

Huh? Of course we would be in my room since I'm sleepi -


She lightly nods, "As you can clearly see, we are in my apartment and you're in a guest room."

...Yeah, now that my brain is working again, I see the place is vastly different from my own room, with the place barren of any decorations and colored in gray. Though, this begs the question of why am I here...

"Hikigaya-kun." I turn my attention back to her, who is wearing her school uniform and sitting right in front of the bed, "Do you remember anything that happened?"

I raise my eyebrow, "Happened? Didn't I -" I stop, feeling a rush of memories flashing through my mind. How a girl approached me this morning, the argument with Sensei and Yukinoshita, and...

My... My death.

"Well, luckily I was going to wash the bedsheets..."

Wh... What did she say? Huh, why do my hands feel wet...? I look down, though it took me more effort than usual, then see my hands covered in green/yellow liquid.

"H-hey..." I cough, feeling my throat dry as hell, then look at her, "Every... Thing was a dream... Right?" I feel my headache pound even harder now, prompting me to shut my eyes and clench my teeth.

"...If you mean dying... Then unfortunately, you did die." I barely hear her words, though from the sound of it, everything wasn't a dream.

"...I'll go get you some water, Hikigaya-kun."

I didn't, couldn't, focus on her words, too focused on emptying my stomach again at the truth, along with the sudden stabbing feeling in my stomach.


"Feeling better now, Hikigaya-kun?"

I take a deep breath then slowly nod at her question, "Y-yeah... Thanks for the water..." I quietly hand over the glass to her while adjusting myself to be comfier in the new bed sheet.

She nods, placing the glass over at a nearby desk then sitting down, "Before you ask, the time is now eight morning, meaning that you were unconscious for fifteen hours and twenty-seven minutes. Your family already knows you're safe and won't ask any questions as to where you were."

...That wasn't really on my mind before you told me, you know. I would expect dying to be a bigger priority than worrying about me being late to home or anything. Just a thought.

Though... Now that I find myself still alive, it is a bit relieving to find that Komachi won't worry herself to death over me.

Well, now then... Time for me to ask her questions. I'll start with the biggest one, a question that can answer most of my other questions.

"Hey... Yukinoshita, you're not human, are you?"

She pauses then slowly gets up, "Yes. You are correct." She turns around, letting me see 2 bat-like wings appear that protrudes from her shoulder-blade.

She turns her body back to me, "I am Yukino Yukinoshita as a normal human but my true name is Yukino Gremory, a member of the Gremory Clan of the seventy-two Pillars in the Devil Society."

She stares right into me, "Yes, I am a devil. And now you, Hachiman Hikigaya, are one of us."

I point to myself with my face scrunching up, "...I am a what now?" Last I checked, I am 100% human since if I wasn't then I wouldn't have died.

She lets out a short sigh, "Actually, I should be letting you rest now since the reincarnation process takes a toll on the person, especially if they are brought back to life." She turns around then slowly walks over to the door without so much as a glance at me.

...Yeah, rest really sounds nice right now... But before that, I need her to answer this, "Wait a minute." She stops, just as her hand touches the handle, "Why are you being so nice or cordial with me? We didn't really part ways on a nice term."

And that's just putting it lightly.

Yukinoshita glances at me, "...Would you let a stranger into your own room?"

I blink, "What does that -" She quickly opens the door then walks out without bothering to wait for my words, "Mean." I click my tongue at her, though I soon feel my eyelids grow heavier by the seconds.

I let out a sigh then slowly lay down, too tired to care about anything else. Just as my head touches the pillow, I figure out what she meant by her words, prompting me to let out a bewildered chuckle.

What's the point of making a club when you won't let anybody enter it?!



Alright, that's a wrap! Time to go work on my other fics! Ahem, I left some clues on to what is 8man's Sacred Gear (AU), Yukino being a part of Gremory, and 8man having his usual negativity that I am fond of writing (I swear I am not sadistic).

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